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me that the motion proposed by Mr. Wilson was hardly understood. 1 think he merely wanted us to meet to confer on any question which would be of advantage to the frozen-meat trade. For our own part —the Auckland Farmers' Frozen Meat Company—we have been anxious to' meet for a long time. 1 believe that nothing but good could result. With regard to pooling, we have pooled our meat for the last three years, also our pelts and our wool. If a farmer sends different classes, it is sorted into different lots, and he is credited with so many pounds of each quality, and all the wool is pooled and shipped. If a farmer sends one truck or half a dozen trucks, it is given to the freezing company to sell, and lie is credited with so many pounds of first and second quality, and so on. This system has acted very well indeed, and we have never had a single complaint since we started this mode of operation. Mr. J . McQueen (Southland Farmers' Union). —1 should like to have these remits sent forward for the consideration of the committee ; but if it was a resolution in favour of the remits themselves, I should vote against that. If it is merely a recommendation for the committee to consider it, with the right to throw it into the waste-paper basket, I am in favour of it. The Chairman. —That is the way it is, Mr. McQueen. I shall now ask the Conference to vote on remit No. 6, " That it be a recommendation to the committee to provide cool-storage in London for the use of New Zealand exporters of meat." Lost—For, 5 ; against, 12. At 4..")0 p.m. the Conference adjourned till 10.30 a.m. next day.

Friday, 28th Januaky, 1910. At 10.30 a.m. the Conference resumed. The Chairman. —The Conference has before it the copies of report of the committee appointed, and also a minority report. I shall ask the secretary to read these reports, and as soon as they are disposed of, the Hon. Mr. Mackenzie has told me that he is willing to deliver his address. The Secretary then read the following reports : — "Frozen Meal Conference,. — Report of Committee. " The committee appointed by the Conference make the following recommendations :— " 1. That the freezing companies be requested to consider whether it is desirable to form a meat-trade federation with a view to protecting their mutual interests and those of the producers, in connection more especially with such matters as forms of bill of lading, policies of insurance, c.i.f. & c. contracts, discharge in London, insurance and qualitj* claims, pooling, grading, labour laws, and any other matters of a similar nature that may tend towards the improvement of the trade. "2. That a permanent committee be set up by the Conference to receive the replies of the freezing companies re federation of the meat trade, to confer with the freezing companies or others interested on the question of forms of bill of lading, policies of insurance, c.i.f. & c. contracts, and any other matter arising out of the trade which may be referred to them, and to be an organization for the purposes of protecting the interests of the producers; and that such committee takes steps to ascertain if the producers of New Zealand are prepared to subscribe to a fund to meet necessary expenses. , " Regarding remit No. 1, ' That frozen meat should be consigned and sold, as far as possible, through an organization of producers, or a Farmers' Co-operative Distribution Association, in order to bring the producer and the consumer into closer touch, and that a company should be formed for that purpose if necessary ' : The committee considers that the time is inopportune, seeing that there are several other co-operative companies in existence, and considers the present facilities sufficient for disposing of frozen meat. ''.Regarding remit No. 5, 'That it be a recommendation to the committee to consider the question of cool-storage accommodation in London for the use of New Zealand exporters of meat ' : The committee has not sufficient information before it at present to give an opinion on the subject of cool-storage in London. " D. D. Macfarlane, Chairman." Minority Report. "Messrs. J. D .Hall and W. O. Lysnar present the following report as a minority report on the matters that were referred to the committee by the Conference : — " On remit No. 1, Scargill Farmers' Union, ' That frozen meat should be consigned through an organization of producers, or a Farmers' Co-operative Distributing Association, in order to bring the producer and the consumer into closer touch, and that a company should be formed for that purpose if necessary ' : The minority disagree that the present facilities for the disposal of frozen meat are sufficient, but consider that there are grave defects in the methods of sale, and claims for damages, as well as storage in London, as well as defects in grading and storage in New Zealand, which urgently require immediate consideration in order to protect the interest of the producer in securing for him a fair price for his produce. We consider this can best be done in the following manner : — " (a.) By arranging with an institution carrying on its business on co-operative lines, whose interests cannot come in conflict with those of the producers, for the sale of the produce in England on a more equitable basis than at present. " (b.) Arrangements should be made for proper and sufficient storage accommodation in England.