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No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1909. 1910. No. of Sheep on — April 30, A] 1 909. April 30, 1910. 9f»5 Selwyn, Taweba, and Waimaibi Counties ' i>* — continued. Kerr, John, Killinchy .. — Kimber, James, Greenpark ... p* 97 Kimber, B. Walter, Springston ... 190 Kime, G. W., Dunsandel .. 545 Kime, J. W., Springston ... 455 Kinley, James, St. Albans ... 170 Knight, H. A., Racecourse Hill ... 3947 Langdale, James, West Melton ... 1082 Langdon and Steele, Christchurch ... 200 Langdown, R. Wilfred, Cashmere Hills ... 489 Larcombe Bros., Weedon's ... 320 Lassen, G. A., Greenpark ... 256 Leahy, John, Lakeside ... 103 Lee, M. J., Annat ... 203 Lemon, Frederick, Doyleston .. — Lemon, W. J., Killinchy ... 384 Leslie Bros., West Melton .. 341 Leslie, H. J. P., West Melton ... 11 Leslie, James, Islington ... — j Letham, Roland, Lauriston .. — Levick, H., White Cliffs ... 274 Lewton, C. J., Southbridge ... 198 Lill, George, Grange, Dunsandel ... 721 Lilley, A. J., Southbridge ... 126 Lilley, W., Waddington ... \ 153 Lissaman, B. L., Kaiapoi ... j 296 Locker, R., Greendale ... 160 Lockhead, D., Leeston ... 322 Lockhead, J. G, Leeston ... 496 Lockhead, J., jun., Taumutu ... ' 306 Lockhead, John, Dunsandel ... \ 201 Lockhead, R. W., Lincoln ... 429 Lockhead, W., Southbridge ... 294 Lock, W. T. P., KiUinchy ! ... 622 Lowe, Levi, Rolleston ... 151 Lowe, WiUiam T., Lauriston ... 1344 Lowery, J., KiUinchy .... 8 Lucas, Thomas, Rakaia ... I 720 Ludemann,.T., Lakeside ... 94 MacCartney, H. J., Tai Tapu ... 736 MacDonald, Alexander, Annat ... 400 Macintosh, Ewen, Glenroy ... 508 Mackie, John M., Dunsandel .. 255 Maddison, E. P., Charing Cross ... 1082 Maddison, F. S., Templeton ... 50 Maddison, L. H, Dunsandel ... ... 1688 Maffey, Richard, Hororata ... 274 Maginnes, ft, Yaldhurst ... 200 Maguiness, W. J., Southbridge ... 70 Malcolmson Bros., Southbridge ... 162 Manion, P., Weedon's ... 254 Manson, George, Kimberley ... 408 Manson, John De Putron, Kimberley ... 590 Manson, William, Kimberley ... 315 Marshall, A. T, Springston ... 50 Marshall, E.,Wakaipa ... j 204 Marshall, J. W., Springston Railway ... , 225 Marshall, W. G., Leeston ... 8 Matson, H., and Co., Christchurch ... 224' Mathews, W. J., Lincoln .. 204 Matthews, J. W., Halkett ... 418 Mawson, Isaac, Dunsandel .. — Mawson, James, Irwell ... 550 McAnalty Bros., Te Pirita .. 951 McBean, G.,Wakaipa ... 664 McCarthy, Jeremiah, Ladbrooks ... — McCartin, John, Lakeside ... 246 McCartin, P., Southbridge ... 135 McCausland, ft, Kimberley ... 691 McClelland Bros., Kimberley ... . 1056 McClelland, D., Southbridge :'.'.' 742 McClelland, Henry, Kimberley ... 284 McClelland, Robert, Leeston ... 319 McClure, David, Darfield ... 837 McClure, George, KiUinchy .'.' 100 McCormick, D. J., Southbridge ... 100 McCormick, John A., Kirwee ... 254 McCormick, W., Lakeside ... 304 McCoy, John, South Rakaia .. 429 McCrostie Bros., Springston --•••-. 621 McCrostie, J., Springston ... 1270 McDowell, J., Yaldhurst ... 163 McDrury, P., Halswell ... 100 McBvedy, Peter, Southbridge ... 500 - IJ Selwyn, Taweba, and Waimaibi'Counties — continued. Hockridge, J., Hororata Hodgen, John, Motukarara Hood, G., Kirwee H oglund, J., Sprin gfield Holland, F. G., White Cliffs Holland, G. W., Greendale Holmes, A. L., private bag, Bangor , ... Holmes, E., Kirwee Holmes, G. G., Halswell Holmes, J. A., private bag, Bangor Hood and Strachan, Rakaia Howson, T. B., Leeston Hubbard, F., Southbridge Hubbard, Frederick, Greenpark Hubbard, L. B., Harewood Road, Papanui Hulston, James, West Melton Humm, Samuel, White Cliffs Humm, W., Sheffield Hunt, A. E., Langdale, Melton HUls, West Melton Hunt and Langdale, Sumner Hurst, H., Te Pirita Hutchison, D. R , Kirwee lies, Zealand, KiUinchy IUingworth,D., Greendale, Heathcote Valley Illingworth, Joseph, Sumner lllingworth, W., Heathcote Valley Inch, W. J., Te Pirita Industrial School, Burnham Innes, T. S., Waddington Inwood, A. J., Southbridge Inwood BroB., Southbridge Inwood, J. S., Southbridge Inwood, W. D., Southbridge Inwood, E. 0. and F.. Southbridge Irvine, W. S., RusseU's Flat Isbister, R. B., Christchurch Isherwood, F., Hororata Jackson, R. H., Upper Riccarton Jamieson, Henry, Leeston Jamieson, W. H., Leeston Jane, Alfred, Moa Flat Jarman, A. R., West Melton Jarman, ft G., Kirwee Jarman, F. E. and A. E., Montford, Kirwee Jarman. T. E., Greendale Jebson, John, Sheffield Jeffs, Charles, Templeton Jenkins, E. E., Waddington Jenkins, W. J., Waddington Jobson, G. D., Hororata Johns, James, Belfast Johnson, P. H., Mount Torlesse, Springfield Johnson, Robert, Kirwee Johnson, T. W., Irvine Farm, Dunsandel ... Johnston, J. A., Dunsandel Johnston, J. E., Little River Johnston, J. McC, Rolleston Johnston, J. J., Rakaia , Johnston, Neil, Lincoln Johnston, R. H, Dunsandel Johnson, Robert WiUiam, Aylesbury Jones, Alexander, Weedon's Jones, David, Weedon's Jones, J., Southbridge Jones, James, Belfast Jones, James, Templeton Jones, R. M., West Melton Jones, Richard, Glenroy Joseph, A. L., Upper Riccarton Judd, G. H., Waddington Judge, ft ft, Te Pirita Kaile, Frank, Killinchy Kavanagh, P., Yaldhurst Keane Michael, Springfield Keats, Thomas, Oxford KeUand, G. E., Dunsandel Kelly, Connor, Rolleston Kelly, J., Rolleston Kelso, John A., Bankside Keltie, J., Hororata Keltie, Thomas, Hororata Keltie, Robert, Courtenay Kennedy Bros., Glentunnel 295 489 246 f233 "334 1048 223 889 8048 4343 1475 796 492 7 344 680 935 1562 64 1902 50 50 1488 875 309 716 262 165 317 14 313 130 12 529 200 1880 1574 1949 75 112 900 976 2042 699 7733 1529 621 620 2004 150 61 46 3803 772 431 232 234 372 1000 305 807 I Nil Nil 694 737 719 8 Nil Nil 964 1691 1912 90 2731 83 Nil 200 Nil 1590 858 460 478 Nil 135 Nil 177 704 Nil 82 368 93 Nil 461 100 1705 1477 3902 164 196 1060 1451 1378 445 8743 1123 565 Nil 2900 153 85 57 540 330 13 Nil 182 209 200 339 40 3770 1414 2421 93 Nil 498 Nil 1159 137 121 172 108 247 ■ 28 1158 111 108 50 523 579 200 4458 1460 270 338 103 297 100 253 981 74 124 262 90 647 220 245 702 118 135 l 563 i 100 1 298 I 499 I 230 290 1 496 1 324 ! 369 I 140 1 900 3 5 ) 35 1 113 3 750 ) 536 i 518 5 336 2 1699 3 187 3 1752 4 385 0 601 3 89 2 '317 4 356 8 395 0 312 5 336 0 35 4 305 :5 ' 264 8 6 14- 12 14 ' Nil 8 Nil 377 iO 530 il ' 1035 14 803 65 16 147 15 138 )1 577 56 1473 12 - 722 54 360 L9 313 57 1497 )0 490 30 99 54 306 34 355 29 340 21 390 70 1682 63 Nil 00 140 00 562 59 316 195 163 382 36 1966 1559 2075 93 78 442 191 1080 76 92 147 332 1 1093