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One thousand sets of brown leather accoutrements were added to stock during the year. Provision has been made on the estimates to still further increase this reserve, and to enable the increased establishment of Territorials and Cadets under the new defence scheme to be equipped. Further supplies can be readily obtained as required, a contract having been let in the Dominion to meet necessities as occasion may demand. Locally manufactured accoutrements are proving equal to the imported Imperial articles. An additional supply of mess-tins and water-bottles has been placed on order in England. In order to establish uniformity in the clothing of the Territorial Forces, sealed patterns of Field Service uniforms have been adopted and forwarded to the Officers Commanding Military Districts for the guidance of Officers Commanding units and local manufacturers. Camp equipment has been maintained in good order, having been thoroughly overhauled and repaired from time to time. Upon the arrival of a further supply of circular tents, which, are now under order in England, our stock will be sufficient for all requirements. The stock of camp-kettles and waterproof sheets is also being increased by further supplies now under order from England. Field Engineering and Signalling Equipment. The stores ordered from England for Field Engineer and Signalling units are coming to hand, and those required for training will shortly be issued. All bull's-eye signalling-lamps have been converted and fitted to burn acetylene gas; these lamps are now giving satisfactory results. Experiments are being made with a view of similarly converting the Begbie lamps. Bridging-stores will be required under the reorganization of the Engineer companies, and a complete set, when procured from England, will be used as a pattern to have other sets made locally. The four Staff N.C.O. Instructors, in addition to their other duties, now look after the Engineer and Signalling stores, resulting in such stores being better catered for. The new equipment lists to meet the reorganization of Signalling and Engineer units will shortly be issued. Transport. Arrangements are being made for an additional supply of water-carts. A sample general-service wagon, latest pattern, has been ordered from England, with the object of having any further requirements in this direction made in the Dominion. A proportion of transport wagons, small-arms ammunition carts, and water-carts, with harness complete, and also packsaddlery, are now on issue to the several military districts. Rifle Ranges. The various rifle ranges in the Dominion have been kept in good order during the year. Repairs and additions have been carried out at Trentham, Putiki, Tuapeka, and smaller ranges. The question of a site for a range at Masterton has been satisfactorily arranged, and the construction of same is being proceeded with. An area of land for a range at Cobden has been taken by Proclamation, and the matter of construction is now receiving attention. Land has also been taken for a range at Fernhill (Hastings), and the matter of vesting the site in Trustees and constructing the range is being attended to. Additional land has been acquired for range purposes at Ashburton. Authority for further improving the Trentham Range has been granted, and the work is being proceeded with, and, when completed, this range should be the best south of the Line. Buildings, Drill-sheds, &c. Alterations and additions to various drill-sheds in the Dominion have been carried out from time to time during the year. The new gun-shed at the Garrison Hall, Wellington, is in course of construction, being now well on the way towards completion. The Westport Drill-shed required additions, consequent upon the sending of two guns there recently. These additions have now been made, and the shed has ample floor-space for present requirements. The new drill-shed at Gisborne is completed, and now offers excellent accommodation for the local corps, besides being a valuable asset. A new S.A.A. magazine has been built at Christchurch, and its construction has been the means of considerably relieving other overstocked magazines in the Dominion. Dbpabtmbnt of Finance. The amount voted by Parliament out of the Consolidated Fund for the year ending 31st March, 1910, for expenditure in connection with the Permanent Force, Volunteers, stores and magazines, and Defence miscellaneous services, amounted to £204,297, of which the sum of £190,347 was expended.