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No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.continued.

No. 4.—RETURN of Notices given to fenc: 3 or kepaie Dangekous Pabts oi continued. »f Machinery, &c- — Number. ! Machinery. Particulars. 6 4 1 1 10 1 1 2 1 1 1 ■i 1 1 1 5 1 2 15 3 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 3 6 J J Hydraulic hoist >> Hydraulic lift ;; ) > >» >) Joinery " Laundry Log-hauling Machine shop >; ;; Malting Manure-drying J? Merry-go-round Milking jj . . >5 • • J; ,5 . . ,, . . j, . . Hatchways. New chains fitted. Braces fitted to guides. Cage repaired, four new springs, and chains annealed. Chains annealed. Chain fitted in front of floor-doors. Fence side of well and repair two doors. Fences to repair. Gate-locks repaired. Guide fitted to spear-grips. Guide for cage repaired. Lift-wells fenced. New chain fitted. New controlling-valve fitted. New gripper-ropes fitted. New leathers for rams. New rope for balance-weight. New springs for safety-gear. New steel-wire ropes fitted to cage. Rails fitted round floor-openings. Rail fitted round platform. Safety-catches overhauled and adjusted. Safety-catches adjusted and guide-bars braced. Safety-catches overhauled and new lever fitted. Starting-gear repaired. Starting-pulley overhauled and covered in. Two slide doors repaired. Valves overhauled. Wire rope fenced. Belting. Driving-belt and circular saw. Driving-pulley. Machinery. Fly-wheel of engine. Washing-machine. Engine and wheels. Engine-shafting. Sprocket-wheel and chain. Spur-gearing. Engine and belting. Fly-wheel, pulley, and machinery. Wheel, pulley, and belting. Belting. Belting. Belting and machinery. Side of driving-pulley. Engine. Belting. Belting and end of crank-shaft. Belting, fly-wheel, and shafting. Engine and belting. Engine, pump, wheels, and pulley. Engine, vacuum pump, saw, and belting. Fly-wheels and belting. Fly-wheels and end of shaft. Fly-wheels of engine. Fly-wheel, saw, and belting. Machinery. Shafting. Wheel and belting. Engine. Fly-wheels and main driving-belt. Fly-wheels of engine. Machinery. Belting. End of crank-shaft. 1 6 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 15 ;; • • 5) ■ " ;> • • ;; • • Mincing ,, * • )» • • a • • Oil-engines .. it ' •