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Names of Unions. Number of Members. Industeial Unions op Wobkbbs — continued. 'tago and Southland District — Dunedin Gas Stokers and Cokers ... Dunedin and Suburban Carters Dunedin and Suburban General Labourers Dunedin and Suburban Operative Butchers ... Dunedin Bakers and Pastrycooks ... Dunedin Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners Dunedin Branch of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers ... Dunedin Canister Workers Dunedin Operative Bootmakers ... Dunedin Operative Stonemasons ... Dunedin Painters Dunedin Eange-workers Dunedin Section of the Australasian Federated Seamen ... Dunedin Stage Employees Dunedin Tailoresses Dunedin Tinsmiths Dunedin United Furniture Trades Dunedin United Plumbers and Gasfitters Dunedin Waterside Workers Invercargill Bootmakers Iron and Brass Moulders' Union of New Zealand Mataura Paper-mill Workers Otago Agricultural and General Labourers Otago Box-workers Otago Brass-finishers and Electro-platers Otago Bricklayers Otago Certificated Engine-drivers... Otago Ooachworkers and Wheelwrights Otago Coal-miners Otago Confectionery, Biscuit, and Fruit-preserving Employees Otago Felt-hatters Otago Grocers' Assistants Otago Hairdressers' Assistants Otago Hotel, Eestaurant, and Boardinghouse Employees Otago Iron-workers Otago Letterpress Printers' Machinists Otago Lithographers ... Otago Metal-workers' Assistants ... Otago Operative Plasterers Otago Saddlers, Harness, and Collar Makers ... ... Otago Seine Fishermen Otago Shearers Otago Slaughtermen ... Otago Timber-yards and Sawmills Otago Tramways Otago Typographical ... Otago United Shipwrights ... ... ... Otago and Southland Chemical-manure Workers Otago and Southland Gold-miners Otago and Southland Musterers ... Otago and Southland Operative Tailors and Shop Tailoresses Port Chalmers Marine Labourers ... Pressers and other Clothing-factories Operatives of Dunedin Southland Freezing-works Southland Operative Butchers Southland Slaughtermen Southland Timber-yards and Sawmills Southland Typographical Southland United Furniture Trades United Boilermakers and Iron-ship Builders of Otago United Millers, Engine-drivers, and Mill Employees of Otago 23 114 701 90 142 422 186 16 207 16 208 28 640 25 385 21 97 40 457 23 143 17 121 28 22 52 58 49 443 15 14 52 19 328 22 25 14 105 47 36 24 387 46 56 152 117 62 30 200 32 241 265 45 53 31 29 870 21 15 45 37 1 amnaki District — Mokau Coal-miners Taranaki Letterpress, Lithographers, and Machinists Taranaki Operative Bootmakers ... Waitara General Labourers 8,209 7 12 10 47 76