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WHANGAREI. Two inspections of the Whangarei Fire Brigade and its equipment have been held—viz., on 15th December, 1909, and 18th May, 1910, respectively. The two following interim reports cover the inspections. Sir, — Office of Inspector of Fire Brigades, Wellington, 23rd December, 1909. I beg to inform you that an inspection and drill of your brigade was held on Monday, the 15th instant, at 8 p.m. Of the full strength of the brigade —viz., 20 all told—there was present the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, and 14 firemen; 2 were on sick-leave; leaving 2 unaccounted-for. I note that since my last visit the strength of the brigade has been increased by the addition of four auxiliaries. The work that the brigade was called upon to perforin was carried out in an energetic and willing mariner, but more exercise in the various drills is required, and the work should be performed in a more deliberate manner. At the termination of the drill an address of instruction was given, and matters to which attention should be paid were pointed out. In view of the manner in which empty cases, straw, rubbish, (fee, are stored on some of the premises in your town, it is necessary, so that ordinary precautions in this matter may be taken, that your Board should make a by-law regulating the storage of such materials. (Power for this specific purpose is given by the Fire Brigades Act, 1908, section 43, subsection (d).) This will enable your Superintendent to order immediate removal in cases where such storage has become, in his opinion, dangerous. In the question of the inspection of buildings, as this inspection concerns only the provision of means of escape in cases of fire in buildings used for residential purposes, the matter might be mutually arranged between the Borough Council and your Board on the lines as discussed between us on the 14th instant. I have, (fee, Thos. T. Hugo, Inspector of Fire Brigades. James Harrison, Esq., Chairman, Whangarei Fire Board. Sib, Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 23rd June, 1910. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your telegram, dated the 21st instant, asking for a report in connection with my last visit of inspection to your town. In reply thereto I beg to refer you to recommendations in the matter of better means of conveying the appliances to a fire, and the installation of a fire-alarm system, contained in my report dated Bth June, 1909. Further, I have to again recommend (see report dated 23rd December, 1909) that the members of the brigade should be given more exercise in the various drills, including ambulance and rescue work. The drills should be carried out regularly, and with as near an approach to actual fire-conditions as possible. I have, &e, Thos. T. Hugo, Inspector of Fire Brigades. C. J. Eccles, Esq., Secretary, Whangarei Fire Board. The station and appliances are maintained in good order and condition. During the year ending 30th June, 1910, only 2 fires have occurred in the Whangarei Fire District, as against 4 for the previous year, a decrease of 2. . The loss by fire amounted to £200, as against £673, a decrease of £473. The estimated cost of the brigade for the year 1910-11 is £250, as against £366 for 1909-10, a decrease of £116. ■Approximate Ooki of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (I,62scopies), £H 10s.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—-1910. Price.. o'tf.'J