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I have further to recommend to your .Board the advisableness of purchasing a " combined electric turn-table fire-escape and hose tender," the ladder to pitch to a height of 70 ft. or 75 ft. There are many points in favour of these machines as a fire-brigade appliance. I went fully into this matter whilst in Dunedin .with the Chairman of your Board and the Superintendent of your Brigade. They are built to carry from ten to twelve men, up to 2,000 ft. of hose, stand-pipes, etc., and I would suggest that the Superintendent he instructed to draw out a general specification of his requirements — i.e., height of ladder, number of men and appliances to be carried, speed, number of miles capacity per charge, grade to be guaranteed- —and that a price be obtained accordingly. The quantity of hose at the Caversham Station—s3o ft.—is not sufficient —another 300 ft. should be supplied; also they should be provided with a hand-pump and buckets. Some of the hydrant indicators in the Caversham district are missing, and this matter requires attention. I have, &c, Thos. T. Hugo, Inspector of Fire Brigades. Through inability to obtain the amount of money required, the erection of the proposed new Central Fire Station in Cumberland Street has been delayed. However, this difficulty has been overcome, and the building is to be proceeded with. A suitable site for a new substation has been secured in Cargill Road, and it is intended, as opportunity offers, to build a station thereon that will serve for the protection of both the South Dunedin and Caversham districts. The South Dunedin branch of the brigade was inspected on the 17th March, 1910. There is on the roll of this section captain, lieutenant, and 12 firemen, or 14 all told, and there was a full attendance at the muster at 8 p.m. The drill was performed with a marked efficiency, and excellent discipline is manifest. The station and appliances are maintained in good order and condition. The Caversham branch was inspected on the 19th March, 1910. There are on the roll captain, lieutenant, and 14 firemen, or 16 all told. There were present at the muster at 8 p.m. captain, lieutenant, and 11 firemen. This was a very satisfactory attendance under the circumstances. The drill was carried out in an efficient manner. The station is old and very dilapidated, and, partly as a consequence, the equipment was not in the best of order and condition. During the year ending 30th June, 1910, 63 fires have occurred in the Dunedin Fire District, as compared with 54 for the previous year, an increase of 9. The loss by fire amounted to £15,344, as against £6,504, an increase of £8,840. The estimated cost of the brigade for the year 1910-11 is £6,000, the same amount as for 1909-10.

FEILDING. An inspection of the Feilding Fire Brigade was held at 8 p.m. on the 30th August, 1909, when there were present—Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, 18 firemen, and 2 messengers; 1 on leave- or 23 accounted for out of a total of 24 then on the roll. This was a very good attendance. For the second inspection at 8.25 p.m. on 24th January, 1910, a false alarm of fire was given by means of ringing the firebell, and at 8.27'6 p.m. the horse hose-reel, with five men in attendance, had been smartly turned out. The roll was called at 8.35 p.m., ten minutes after the first toll of the bell, when the Superintendent, Deputy, 10 firemen, and 2 messengers were found present, or 14 out of a total of 20 then on the roll. This must be considered a fairly satisfactory muster, and altogether since my first visit of inspection there is a manifest improvement m the personnel and the work, as carried out at drills, in this brigade. The plant and appliances are maintained in good order and condition. A commodious two-story Central Station is in course of erection, and should be ready for occupation in the course of a few weeks. Additions to the minor plant have been made during the course of the year, but the Board should now take into consideration the installation of a system of street fire-alarms. . During the year ending 30th June, 1910, 7 fires occurred m the Feilding lire District, the same number as during the previous year . , , „ fi , ftf The total loss by fire amounted to £8,125, as against £1,818 last year, an increase of £6,307. Of the total loss incurred, £5,880 was due to the fire that partially destroyed the Feilding Hotel, sth October, 1909. . . lnno ln The estimated cost of the brigade for the year 1910-11 is £542, as against £460 for 1909-10, an increase of £82.

GISBORNE. An inspection of the Gisborne Fire Brigade was held on the 16th August, 1909 when there were present-Superintendent, Deputy, and 21 firemen; with 2 on leave: all accounted for. A second inspection was held at 7.30 p.m. on the 7th April, 1910; present, Superintendent, Deputy and 20 firemen, with 2on duty and lon sick-leave: all accounted for^ The present strength of the brigade is 25 all told-viz., Superintendent, Deputy, and 23 firem€n The attendance at both musters was very satisfactory, and good discipline is apparent The drill were carried out in a smart and workmanlike manner, but more instruction, as pointed out at the time, is necessary. nn ~,.„ The plant and appliances are maintained in good order and condition.