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Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1910. Liabilities. £ 8. d. Asset*. £ s. d. Mortgages secured on freeholds .. 51,750 0 0 Freehold lands .. .. ..280,400 0 0 Accrued interest .. .. .. 792 13 11 Unpaid purchase-money on sale of freeBank overdraft . .. .. .. 8,787 0 0 holds .. .". .. .. 173 8 6 Sundry creditors on open account .. 520 310 Advances on account of roads, improveAdvances against wool and frozen meat .. 1,032 9 1 ments and sundries .. .. .. 383 10 !) Suspense Account .. .. .. 297 10 0 Sundry debtors on open account .. 87 13 3 Unclaimed rents .. .. .. 8(50 11 8 Rents due and accruec I .. .. 496 8 0 Live-stock on farms .. .. .. 8,733 2 9 44,940 8 (i Wool and frozen meat unrealised .. 3,594 0 0 Surplus .. .. .. .. 249,225 3 3 Suspense Account .. .. .. 297 10 0 £294,105 11 9 £294,165 11 9 T. A. Coleman, Commissioner. Examined and found correct —J. Sandtmann, F.I.A.N.Z. Napier, 22nd September, 1910.

Statement showing the Position' of the Different Blocks as at the 31st March, 1910. Amounts at debit of the undermentioned Amounts at credit of the undermentioned blocks on current account, — £ s. d. blocks on current account, — £ c. d. Principal security blocks . .. 26,869 10 9 Mangapoike A .. .. .. 849 1(1 :i Mangaheia No. 2d .. .. .. 936 4 11 „ No. 2i; . . .. .. 145 8 9 Mangapoike No. 2a 3 . .. 756 12 4 „ No. 2i . . .. .. 1,217 8 1 B .. . .. 317 4 Maraetaha No. 2a, Sections 2 and 3 .. 4,069 8 10 No. 2b .. .. .. 751 (! 4 „ No. 2, Section 3 .. .. 1.872 9 4 No. 2b Farm Account .. 399 7 3 „ No. 2, Section 4 .. .. 6,233 :i 7 „ No. 2b Live-stock Account 377 16 6 „ No. 2, Section 6 .. .. 2.291 12 11 No. 2d .. .. 22 8 10 Mouterc No. 2, Sub. 1 .. .. [08 :i :t Mangawaru No. 2 .. .. .. 6,013 9 4 Paremata, Section 64, No. 1 Account .. 8,249 12 4 No. 3 .. .. •• 1,314 11 11 „ „ 64, No. 2 Aooount .. 1,064 16 II I'aivmata No. 73, 73a .. .. 49 18 1 „ No. 4 .. .. 103 X! .1 No. 3 .. .. .. 657 14 10 Tahora No. 2c 1, Section 2 .. .. 112 ! 7 „ No. 3 Live-stock Account .. 2,507 4 3 Tawapata North No. Iα .. .. 473 3 3 Tahora No. 2c 1, Section 3, „ No. 2, Sub. 1 . . r>o7 5 8 farm accounts ..£3,064 17 2 Live-stock on farms as per contra .. 8,733 2 9 Tahora No. 2c 1, Live-stock Amounts at credit of the undermentioned Account .. .. 1,544 8 0 blocks for value of their freeholds, — Kfangatu Nos. 5 and 0 .. \ 4,599 5 2 Mangaokura .. .. | Less amount at credit on Tangotete Nos. 1 and 2 General Account .. 1,488 15 7 Pakowhai .. .. .. ' 37.3*8 0 •' 3,110 9 7 Te Kuri .. Tahora No. 2c 2, Section 2 .. .. 466 6 2 Whataupoko (J .. .. ' No. 2f .. .. .. 3,450 17 I Mangaheia No. 2d .. .. .. 35,400 0 0 „ No. 2f, Farm Account .. 4,000 19 6 | .Mangapoike A .. .. .. 24,888 0 n No. 2f, Live-stock Account .. 1,948 10! >; B .. .. .. :(()(! o o No. 2c, .. .. .. 58 2 4 j „ No. 2a 3 .. .. 13,986 0 0 Tawapata South No. 1 .. .. 4,306 16 6 „ No. 2b .. .. .. .-,.525 0 0 Whangawehi No. Iα .. .. 849 18 B „ No. 2d .. .. 9,566 0 0 „ Nos. Iβ and lc.. .. 2,501 L 6 7 „ No. 2b .. .. .. 4,470 0 0 Maraetaha No. Id (Te Kopua) .. 3,195 7 4 Mangawaru No. 2 .. .. .. 5,500 0 0 No. Id, Live-stock Account 2,355 14 0 „ No. 3 .. .. .. 7.000 0 o Whaitiri No. 2 .. .. .. 301 8 5 Maraetaha No. 2, Section 3 .. .. 5,125 (1 I) j „ No. 2, Section 6 .. .. 6,882 0 0 07,195 16 li Paremata, Section 48 .. .. 390 0 0 Balance—Surplus as per balance-sheet .. 249,225 3 3 „ ~04 .. .. 7,330 0 0 73, 73a .. .. 80 0 0 No. 3 .. .. .. 11.360 0 0 No. 4 .. .. .. 2.700 0 0 Tahora No. 2c 1, Section 3 .. .. 31.341 0 0 „ No. 2c 2, Section 2 .. .. 3,800 (I II No. 2c 3, Section 2 .. .. 14,970 0 0 „ No. 2v .. .. .. 22,353 0 0 „ No. 2g .. .. .. (>7O 0 0 Tawapata South No. 1 .. .. 12,0110 (I II Whangawehi No. Iα ... .. 3,660 0 0 „ No. Iβ and No. lc .. 4,120 0 0 Maraetaha No. Id (Te Kopua) .. 8,175 0 0 Whaitiri No. 2 .. .. .. 1,505 0 0 £316,420 19 9 £316,420 19 9 T. A. Coleman, Commissioner. Examined and found correct. —J. Sandtmann, F.I.A.N.Z. Napier, 22nd September, 1910.