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No. 23. Assistant to President, Oceanic Steamship Company, San Francisco, to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. Dear Sir Joseph,— San Francisco, 4th August, 1910. Supplementary to my letter dated 25th July, enclosed herewith, I wish to remark that it is hopeless to expect that our Government will give us any more than we were receiving before, which is 2 dollars per mile ; and if we started at all we would have to start on that basis. Later on, if the business developed to such an extent that it was practical to operate a fortnightly service, we are sure that our Government would grant the additional subsidy required for the extra two vessels. There is one thing certain, however, that no service would be practicable over fifteen knots average speed. It would take between seven and nine months to get the service into operation. Yours, &c, F. S. Samuels. P.S.—lt would cost us fully 750,000 dollars to make a start, hence we would want to be sure of our contracts for a term long enough to justify this expense. The Eight Hon. Sir J. G. Ward, Wellington. fWn.-S.F. 10/109.] No. 24. The Right Hon. the Prime Minister to the Assistant to President, Oceanic Steamship Company, San Francisco. Dear Mr. Samuels, — Prime Minister's Office, Wellington, 4th October, 1910. I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of the 25th July and 4th August last, and to thank you for the information which you have afforded me in connection with the performances of the " Sierra" since her overhaul, and the installation of oil fuel. The information you have supplied has been read with interest. I note what you say in regard to the possibilities of a revival of the old San Francisco-New Zealand - Sydney mail service under improved conditions, provided New Zealand would contribute towards the subsidy. You will, however, have gathered from my telegram of the 30th August last that since it has been decided to accept the offer of the Union Steam Ship Company to run a service between New Zealand, Rarotonga, Papeete, and San Francisco, it would not be possible for Government to agree to any arrangement which would require payment simultaneously of two subsidies for practically the same service. I have, Ac, F. S. Samuels, Esq., Assistant to President, Oceanic J. G. Wakd. Steamship Company, San Francisco, Cal. [Wn.-S.F. 10/118.] No. 25. The Right Hon. the Prime Minister to the High Commissioner. (Telegram.) Wellington, sth September, 1910. San Francisco Mail - service: Please obtain from Imperial Post Office approximate date departure from London first mail under new contract; also ask the Imperial Post Office to sort mails same subdivision as via Suez. Wn.-S.F. 10/03.] No. 26. The High Commissioner to the Right Hon. the Prime Minister. (Telegram.) London, 7th September, 1910. Frisco mail-service : With reference to your telegram of the sth September : Imperial Post Office states that first mail will be sent on sth November to connect Frisco 16th November. Following mails this year from London, 30th November, 28th December. Sorting as requested by you. [Wn.-S.F. 10/115.] No. 27. The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington, to the Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco. General Post Office, Wellington, 6th September, 1910. Sir, — Wellington - Saw Francisco Mail-service. I have the honour to confirm my telegram of the 30th ultimo, as under : —[See No. 17.j A contract is being prepared, and copies of it will be sent you later. It is to be understood that the vessels leave New Zealand from Auckland and return to New Zealand at Wellington. Arrangements are now being made for fitting the steamers for carryiug the larger number of mails they will be required to carry in performance of the contract. It is not proposed at present to