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POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continue,/. jj Date 0 , Length of Nam. Position. Appoint- 3^ V March, 3 Remark. Sbvunth Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— amlinned. jr. m. d. £ 598 Crawford, T. M. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 21/6/99 10 910 ISO From 16th Oct., 1910. 59!) Twose, R. H. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 28/10/01 8 6 4 180 From 28th Oct., 1910. Matric, 1901. 800 Ardcll, D. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 28/4/1 Hi 911 31 SO From 28th April, 1910. tiOl Buckrell, J. F. .. .. „ .. .. .. 12/3/00 10 020 180' From 1 lth Nov., 1910. (102 Caird, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 13/11/00 il 4ls 180 From 13th Nov., 1910. 603 Brackenridge, ,1. M. .. Clerk .. .. .. 23/11/00 !l 4 8 180 From 23rd Nov., 1910. l>o4 Vause, C. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 10/12/00 10 :i 21 ISO From 10th Dec, 1910. 606 LJrquhart, G. S. S. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/7/99 1(1 il 0 180 From Ist July, 1910. 606 Delahunty, P. V. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 15/12/00 !l :S 17 180 From 15th Dec, 1910. 007 (Jackson, G. F. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 31/12/00 !> 3 0 180 From 31st Dec, 1910. 608 (Smith, W. J. .. .. Postmaster .. .. ■.. 6/1/00 lo 226 ISO 609 Davies, J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/1/01 !> 3 0 180 From Ist Jan., 1 ill 1. 610 -Traynor, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 30/5/01 810 2 180 611 I Ward, A. M. (i. .. „ .. .. .. 13/3/01 il 019 180 „ „ 612 Crump, W. B. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 3/1/01 il 328 180 From 3rd Jan., 1911. 013 Hope, W. P. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 8/1/01 il 2 L' 3 ISO From Bth Jan., 1911. 614 MeGilp, C. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 9/1/01 !) 2 l>2 180 From 9th Jan.. 1911. 615 Soanlan, V. J. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 10/1/01 il 22] 180 From 10th Jan., 1911. 616 Ramble, C. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/2/02 s 2 0 ISO From Ist Feb., 1911: Matric, 1899. 617 Blewett, E. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 20/2/00 lo I il 180 From 20th Feb., 1911. 618 Byres, W. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 20/2/03 7 I il ISO From 20th Feb., 1611; C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1904. oIH Forgie, L. C. .. .. .. .. .. 22/2/01 9 1 7 190 From 22nd Feb., 1911: C.S. Sen. Exam., 1900. 620 Jackson, P. .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/00 10 2 0 180 From Ist Feb., 1911. 621 Brown, G. W. .. .. Telegraphiet .. .. .. 27/2/01 9 1 2 180 From 27th Feb., 1911. 622 Kelly, H. Q. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/3/02 8 I 0 180 From Ist Mar., 1911. 623 Allen, C. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 2/3/01 il 026 180 From 2nd Mar., 1911. 624 l Garth, F. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 4/3/01 il 027 180 From 4th Mar., 1!H 1. 625 -! Patton, B. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 4/3/01 il 027 ISO 026 IPooley, F. C. (!. .. „ .. .. .. 4/3/01 90 27 180 627 Tyrrell, C. E. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 5/3/01 9 020 180 From sth Mar., 1911. 628 Clark, R. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 9/3/01 il 022 180 From 9th Mar., 1911. 629 Meredith, W. J. .. „ .. .. .. 15/3/01 il 016 180 From 15th Mar., 1911. 630 Richards, V. M. .. „ .. .. .. 21/3/02 8 Oil 180 From 21st Mar., 19L1. 631 Hall, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 19/4/01 811 12 180 From 19th April, 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1905. 632 Norgrove, L. A. .. .. .. .. .. 8/9/97 11> 623 180 633 Cockerill, H. W. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/6/01 810 0 180 C.S. Sun. Hxam., 1910. 634 Petcholl, H. C. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 24/5/01 810 s ISO From 24th May, 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1904. 635 Hall, J. W. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 14/10/89 20 5 18 l>oo 636 Connery, T. D. .. .. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/90 20 0 (I 200 637 Qrams, J. A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 25/5/97 12 10 7 180 From 25th May, 1910. 638 Polkinghorne, A. P. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 18/8/02 7 714 160 From 18th Aug., 1910C.S. Sen. Exam., 1910. 039 Mathias, J. V. H. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/6/96 13 10 0 180 From Ist Sept., 1910. 040 Mulligan, A. W. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 5/9/01 8 627 ISO From sth Sept., 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1905 1141 Smith, Alexander .. „ .. .. .. 6/9/01 8 626 ISO From 6th Sept., 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1900. 042 Davis, L. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 12/3/00 10 020 IBS From 11th Dec, 1910. 043 Clark, George .. .. „ .. .. .. 28/11/01 S 4 3 ISO From 28th Nov., 1610; C.S. Jun. Exam., I! 05. liil Dale, C. .. .. „ .. .. .. 28/11/01 8 4 .! 165 C.S. Son. Exam., 1010. 045 Herbert. D. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 28/11/01 8 I 3 100 From 28th Nov.. 1010; C.S. Sen. Exam.. 1910. 04(i Hutohena, W. .. .. „ .. .. ... 16/10/00 il ■'> Ifl Mi.", From 21st Jon.. 1911: Matric, 1906. 047 (Payne, W. H. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 18/2/07 -i 113 180 From 18th Feb., 1 ill I. 648 1 Williams, Frederick .. „ .. .. .. 18/2/07 oI 13 ISO „ 649 Murphy, J. Lennox .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/3/01 il I 0 ISO From Ist Mar., 1911. (150 Hooker, D. H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 7/3/01 i> 025 [80 From 7th Mar., 1011. 651 f Angove, A. N. F. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/01 <■> 0 <i 165 652 Armstrong, B. J. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/12/98 II 4 0 165 653 Barnett, W. H. .. Clerk .. .. .. 8/7/01 s 824 10.", 654 Bateman, A. O. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/1/02 s .! O 166 From Ist July, 111 10. 655 Bateman, J. B. .. .. .. .. .. 5/9/01 8 627 165 656 Beavis, D. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/02 8 :i 0 165 From Ist July, 101 o. 657 Bice, A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 4/3/01 9 028 108 658 Boyne, N. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 1/10/01 8 H 0 165 659 Braraley, R. J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/7/01 8 9 0 166 660 Brown, J. F. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/11/01 8 5 0 165 From let May, L9lO. 061 Browning, C. A. J. .. .. .. .. .. 4/7/02 7 S2B 165 662 Burge, R. E. B. .. „ .. .. .. 5/11/01 s 127 165 From sth May, 1910. 603 I Cameron, A. C. .. Clerk .. .. .. 10/0/01 S 522 165 (164 I Castleton, P. H. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/(5/01 Slo o 165 065 Clark, T. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 25/2/02 8 I 4 Hi.", From 251 h Aug., 1910. 666 Cooper. W. G. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3/5/01 810 29 166 (107 Cox, R .. 1/5/01 811 0 165 Note. Oft.cerein any group wbOM iianxwnrt , bracketed md-ii'il the class on the came dnte. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.

B—F. 6.