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POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 8 Date of I<en*thof J, a Name. Position. Appoint- is Remarks. 3 ment. m 0 • « Seventh Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continued. Y. M. D. £ 4(i« Wilson, W. W. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/5/00 9 110 190 From Ist May, 1910. 167 Mathews, F. W. .. Clerk .. .. .. 15/5/01 810 17 190 From 15th May, 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1903. 468 Graham, C. .. .. „ .. ■ • • • 22/5/99 10 10 10 190 From 22nd May, 1910. 469 Snell, J. .. .. .. .. •• 29/5/00 910 2 200 From 29th May, 1910; 8.A., 1910. 470 Wilton, F. .. .. „ ■. • ■ • ■ 30/5/98 11 10 12 190 From 30th May, 1910. 171 /Hogg, W. A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/6/99 10 10 0 190 From Ist June, 1910. 472 Mclntosh, Douglas M. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/99 10 10 0 190 „ 473 1 Pearse, H. J „ 1/6/97 12 10 0 190 474 (Stewart, 0 „ 1/6/00 910 0 190 475 Dinniss, G. E. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 13/6/99 10 918 190 From 13th June, 1910. 176 Campbell, A. P. J. .. „ .. • ■ • • 19/6/99 10 912 190 From 19th June, 1910. 477 Jones, T. C. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 21/6/97 12 9 10 190 From 21st June, 1910. 478 Jenks, G. .. .. „ • • • • • ■ 23/6/97 12 9 8 190 From 23rd June, 1910. 479 Drake, J. .. .. „ .. •• •• 30/6/00 9 9 1 190 From 30th June, 1910. 480 Cropp, R. .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/2/95 12 10 0 200 From Ist July, 1910. Resigned, 28/2/03; reappointed, 1/7/05. 481 f Cunnold, F. L... .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/7/99 10 9 0 190 From Ist July, 1910. 482 I Eccleton, J. T. .. „ .. .. .. 1/7/00 9 9 0 190 483 Levien, S. H. A. .. Clerk 1/7/97 12 9 0 190 484 \ Madden, J. „ .. .. .. 1/7/01 8 9 0 190 From Ist July, 1910; I C.S. Sen. Exam., 1901. 485 [ Williams, H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. . . 1/7/97 12 9 0 190 From Ist July, 1910. 486 Boyce, W. C. .. .. „ .. .. .. 4/7/99 10 828 190 From 4th July, 1910. 487 Coughlan, M. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 16/7/00 9 815 190 From 16th July, 1910. 488 Underwood, J. J. H. .. „ .. .. .. 1/9/03 6 7 0 200 From Ist Sept., 1910. 489 Strang, R. A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/8/99 10 8 0 190 From Ist Aug., 1910. 490 Harris, V. S. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 4/5/98 1110 28 190 From 4th May, 1910. 491 Maskew, G. A. .. .. „ .. ■• ■• 1/5/00 911 0 190 From 11th Aug., 1910. 492 McLeod, H. G. .. .. .. .. .. 6/11/99 10 425 190 From 16th Aug., 1910. 493 Thomson, J. T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 17/8/99 10 7 15 190 From 17th Aug., 1910 494 McLean, J. .. .. „ .. • ■ • ■ 18/8/99 10 714 190 From 18th Aug., 1910. 495 Smith, W. P. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 19/8/99 10 713 190 From 19th Aug., 1910. 496 Ladley, W. E. H. .. Clerk .. .. .. 28/8/99 10 7 4 190 From 28th Aug., 1910. 497 Bain, J. S „ 1/2/90 20 2 0 200 408 Willett, W. .. .. „ .. . ■ . • 22/7/01 8 810 190 From 22nd July, 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1897. 499 Colebrook, H. J. D .. .. .. 1/10/95 14 6 0 190 From Ist Oct., 1910. 500 Hodge, F. V. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/10/99 10 6 0 190 501 Hyde, F. X „ 1/10/98 11 6 0 190 502 Marshall, A. L „ 1/10/99 10 6 0 190 503 Mangos, N. D. .. .. „ .. .. .. 16/10/99 10 516 190 From 16th Oct., 1910. 504 Whatman, J. P. .. Clerk .. .. .. 22/10/00 9 5 9 190 From 22nd Oct., 1910. 505 (Kyle, H. S. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/11/00 9 5 0 190 From Ist Nov., 1910. 506 (O'Gorman, J. J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/11/00 9 5 0 190 507 Cutforth, P. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/12/00 9 4.0 200 From Ist Dec, 1910; J C.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. 508 (Ross, A. H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/8/99 10 8 0 190 From Ist Dec., 1910. 509 Brooker, S. W. B. .. Clerk .. .. .. 12/12/98 11 320 190 From 12th Dec, 1910. 510 Mathieson, C. A. .. „ 18/12/99 10 3 14 190 511 Burrows, G. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 19/12/00 9 313 190 From 19th Dec, 1910. 512 [McCawe, T. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/00 911 0 190 From 23rd Dec, 1910. 513 I Wallace, A. N „ 23/12/99 10 3 9 190 r>l4 Hounsell, H. Reginald .. „ .. .. .. 27/12/00 9 3 5 190 From 27th Dec, 1910. 515 Robinson, F. T. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 30/12/00 9 3 2 190 From 30th Dec, 1910. 516 Ward, J. E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/01 9 3 0 190 From Ist Jan., 1911. 517 Browne, W. G. .. .. „ .. .. .. 2/1/01 9 229 190 From 2nd Jan., 1911. 518 Newton, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. .7/1/95 15 225 190 From 7th Jan., 1911. 519 Brady, J. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 24/1/01 9 2 7 190 From 24th Jan., 1911. 520 (Dingwall, A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 6/1/99 11 626 190 From Ist Feb., 1911. 521 McCready, D „ 1/2/00 10 2 0 190 .",22 I Nicholls, W. K. .. „ 1/2/01 9 2 0 190 523 Murphy, J. Leonard .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/7/00 9 9 0 180 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1899. 524 Graham, Arthur .. .. .. .. 12/2/00 10 117 190 From 12th Feb., 1911. 525 Chambers, C. A. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 20/2/00 10 112 190 From 20th Feb., 1911. 526 Nicholls, C. B. .. .. „ .. .. .. 21/2/00 10 1 8 190 From 21st Feb., 1911. 527 Allan, D. T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 26/2/00 10 1 3 190 From 26th Feb., 1911. 528 Pearee, W. J. M. .. Clerk .. .. .. 28/2/01 9 1 1 190 From 28th Feb., 1911. 529 Flett, A. I. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/3/00 10 1 0 200 From Ist Mar., 1911; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1910. 530 Clouston, J. P. P. .. Clerk .. .. .. 4/3/01 9 027 200 From 4th Mar., 1911; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1907. 531 Edwards, J. H. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 9/3/00 10 023 190 From 9th Mar., 1911. 532 f Pachnatz, F. A. .. „ .. .. .. 12/3/00 10 020 190 From 12th Mar., 1911. 533 - Packard, L. G. C. B. .. „ .. .. .. 12/3/01 9 020 190 534 (Reynolds, R. B. .. Clerk 12/3/01 9 020 190 535 Whelan, T. H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 13/3/00 10 019 190 From 13th Mar., 1911. SOTB —Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.