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Comparative Statement of Pupils attending High Schools.

Statement of Area, Letting-value, and Capital Value of Reserves belonging to each Account. (Capital values computed on a 5-per cent. basis.)

Monthly Statement of Bank Balance for 1908 and 1909. 1908. 1909. Cr. Or. t s. d. t s. d. At 31st January .. .. .. 13,910 7 4 1,007 17 II „ 28th February .. .. .. 13,281 2 1 1,174 I 9 „ 31st March . . .. .. .. 15,251 2 7 1.830 19 0 „ 30th April .. .. .. .. 17,394 13 0 149 9 2 „ 31st May .. .. .. .. 16,614 I I 4,461 12 4 „ 30th June .. .. .. .. 12,497 5 2 3.774 5 1 „ 31st July .. .. .. .. 10.979 17 3 4,573 12 9 „ 31st August.. .. .. .. 10.035 17 9 756 15 0 „ 30th September .. .. .. 10,939 0 5 535 1 4 „ 31st October .. .. .. 10,975 2 8 71)0 5 9 „ 30th November .. .. .. 10,850 7 I 545 19 10 „ 31st December .. .. .. 10,638 9 9 1.803 9 2 £153,367 ii 2 £21,403 9 1 Average monthly credit balance. .. .. 12,780 12 2 1.783 12 5 Overdraft on No. 2 Account .. .. 10,834 0 0 Average credit balance at bank .. 2 £1,783 12 5

lvvr.. mow. » First Second , Third First Second Third Term. Term. Term. Term. Term. Term. , Boys' High School. Paying-pupils (exclusive of preparatory class) Junior free places Senior free places Preparatory class (all paying-pupils) 98 94 86 85 85 79 51 53 51 68 I 67 67 49 48 44 62 57 51 21 23 22 21 18 20 219 218 203 236 227 i 217 I ! | ! i t/irts' High School. Paying-pupils (exclusive of preparatory class) Junior free places^ Senior free places] School free places Preparatory class (all paying-pupils) H r H 80 27 23 12 11 11 127 127 121 140 146 140 47 46 46 69 67 67 4 5 6 3 3 3 .... 6 6 5 4 5 208 211 202 ■ 235 231 226 208 211 202 235 231 226

,„„,,., Annual Heut at A"" 1 "-" 1st May, 1909. Annual Rent at f . am f„, value 1st May, 191(1. , ,a P ltal value - lollege— a. R. P. j £ s. d. < Agricultural reserves .. .. .. .. 8,085 3 36 5,511 4 0 Town reserves .. .. .. .. 9 0 20 448 10 0 ' Pastoral runs (superior education) .. .. 99,934 0 0 I 2,213 5 0 I Coldstream Reserve (physics and chemistry) .. 1,487 1 10 j 195 0 0 Total .. .. .. .. 109,516 1 26 \ 8,367 19 0 lirls'High School .. .. .. .. 2,578 3 10 288 7 2 Soys'High School .. .. .. 8,938 3 15 i 3,966 0 10 ledical School .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 436 10 0 luseum, Library, and Sohool of Technical Science 93,787 0 0i 2,100 0 0 Endowment £ s. d. 5,510 15 0 110,215 433 10 0 ' 8,670 2,226 1 0 ! 44,521 223 2 0 4,462 8,393 8 0 479 8 4 4,266 0 10 436 10 0 2,100 0 0 167,868 9,589 85,321 8,730 42,000 Total .. .. .. 219,821 0 11 £15,158 17 0 £15,675 7 2 £313,508