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SOUTHLAND HIGH SCHOOL. Staff. lioi,s' School.—Mr. T. l>. IWce, M.A.; Mr. J. Williams, B.Sc. : Mr. J. P. Dakin, B.A. ; Mr. J. S. MoGrath Mr. .(. Pow : Mr. \V. P. Munro, M.A. ; Mr. I. Q. Galloway ; Mr. J. \V. Diokson j Mr. It. Brownlie. Girle' School.—Mis* ('. M. ( ruickshank. M.A.. M.Sc. j Miss M. King, M.A. : Miss M. Rigg, 11.A.. M.So. ; Miss P. Dyson, M.A. : Miss E, Morrison, M.A. ; Miss A. M. Griffin, B.A. ; Mrs. (4. A. Turner : Mr. I. 5. Galloway : Mr. J. \V. Dickeon. I. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. — Boys: English—Authors- Chaucer, Shelley, Keats, Macaulay, Tennyson, Shakespeare (selections); Historical English Grammar; composition; literature. Latin —Authors read Livy, Vergil, Horace (selections), Unseens in Prose and Verse ; grammar ; prose composition ; history ; antiquities. French —Authors read —Selections in prose and verse ; Daudet's Tartarin ; grammar : prose composition. Mathematics Form VI- Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry—to Junior Scholarship standard. Science A. Chemistry- r noiganic, metals and non-metals; B, Magnetism and electricity, to Junior Scholarship standard. Oi/rls : English—Nesfield's English Grammar Past and Present; Grimm's, Verner's, and Grossman's Laws ; (r<) Vowel Graduation and Mutation ; extracts from Early and Middle English ; Sketch of English Literature ; (b) Shakespeare's Coriolanus ; selections from Spencer, Milton, Browning, Bacon. Addison. Thackeray. French- Wellington College French Grammar; Bue's Idioms ; Hachette's Dialogues ; French Prose Exercises ; phonetics; Merimee, Tamanys ; Tame, Selections, Poemes Choisis. Latin —Bradley's Latin Prose Composition ; Allen's Latin Grammar ; Bryan's Prose ; Cwsar, VII (sight) ; Cicero, Pro Milone, 30 chapters ; Horace, Odes, 111 and IV, 1-5 ; Horton's Roman History ; Wilkins's Roman Antiquities. Mathematics — Workman's Arithmetic ; Godfrey and Siddons's Geometry ; Hall and Stevens's Geometry, VI ; Hall and Knight's Algebra, and higher work ; Locke's Trigonometry ; Loney's Trigonometry : as for Junior University Scholarship.. Botany —Lawson's Botany; practical and microscopic work in types and orders set for Junior University Scholarship. Heat —Glazebrook's Heat, with supplementary lessons. Lowest. — Boys : English —Authors read —Macaulay's Clive, Laureata, Days before History ; Ancient Mariner; grammar, composition, and spelling. Geography —Physical. English historyRansome's Elementary Course. Latin—Welch and Duffield's Accidence ; Latin Reader, Cresar's Invasion of Britain ; composition. French —Beuzemaker's First French Course ; grammar. Nonlatin —Book-keeping and commercial arithmetic ; European history : Greek myths. Non-French-Book-keeping, commercial arithmetic, and woodwork. Mathematics —Arithmetic (the whole subject) and mental ; algebra, to H.C. factor ; geometry, Godfrey and Siddons, Books I and 11. Science Elementary physics ; elementary chemistry. Girls : Latin—Allen's Latin Grammar ; North and ETillard's Prose Composition ; Csesar, Book V; Stories from Ovid. History—Period from 1689-1837. Geography —Political Geography of the World; Physical Geography. Longmans' No. 5; Marshall's Geography of New Zealand. Mathematics —Workman's Arithmetic; Hall and Knight's Algebra; Godfrey and Siddons's Geometry. Books I-V :as for Matriculation. Botany —Orders as for Matriculation : Pteris. Typical Dicotyledon, Typical Monocotyledon ; general questions. Physiology—Furneaux. illustrated by practical work. Form IV : English (A and B) —Nesfield's Grammar and Composition ; analysis, paraphrase, composition, spelling ; Temple Reader ; Julius Cresar ; Sesame and Lilies ; Dombey and Son. French (A and B) —Spier's Grammar ; Second Reader and Writer; Le Tour dv Monde ; composition from Methode Naturelle. Latin (A) —Allen's Grammar, page 117 ; North and Hillard, page 82 ; Caesar, 11, to chapter 20. History (B) —Ransome's Elementary History, Tale of Great Mutiny ; historical readings. Geography (B) —British Empire'; Mill's Commercial ; Longmans' Physical. Mathematics (A and B) —Arithmetic, intermediate; algebra A; H.C.F. ; L.C.M. : fractions: equations, simple, simultaneous, quadratic ; problems; graphs; square root: Geometry (A), Godfrey and Siddons, Books I—III, up to 14, with exercises. Botany (A and B) —Evans'sJßotany ; orders and work as for Civil Service. Form 111 : English (A and B) —West's Grammar ; junior, analysis. 2. Genebal Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31fit December, 1909. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ a. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 948 14 8 Management— Government oapitation — Offioe salary .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 For free plaoes .. .. .. 3,133 1(5 8 Other offioe expenses.. .. .. 50 19 0 Under Manual and Teohnioal Instruction Teachers salaries and allowances .. .. 2,583 1 8 Regulations .. .. .. 89 11 0 Physioal instructor's salary .. .. 165 0 0 Subsidy on voluntary contributions — Prizes (two years' accounts) .. .. 48 1 6 secondary sohools .. .. .. 44 2 0 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 108 18 9 Current income from reserves .. .. 1,125 13 8 Cleaning, fuel, light, &c. .. .. 218 0 3 Paid by School Commissioners .. .. 137 8 '2 j Maintenance of classes for manual instruoSchool fees .. .. .. .. 313 6 8 tion .. .. ~ .. .. 52 7 6 Voluntary contributions on account of gene- Site, buildings, furniture, &c.— ral purposes of the school .. .. 25 0 0 Valuation (balance due) for improvements 175 0 0 Other receipts— Rent, Corporation lease .. .. .. 12 0 0 Gymnasium subsidies .. .. .. 135 0 01 Fencing, repairs, &c. .. .. .. 114 17 10 Interest on fixed deposits .. .. 21 0 0 Miscellaneous (rates, &c.) .. .. 38 5 5 Rents on Corporation lease .. .. 59 010 Buildings, furniture, and fittings .. 208 6 3 Proceeds, sale of buildings .. .. 14 0 6 j Interest on loan .. .. .. 56 5 0 j Repayment (instalment of loan) .. .. 500 0 0 Other expenditure— Athletics .. .. .. .. 7 10 0 Chemicals and apparatus .. .. 20 8 9 School libraries .. .. .. 4 7 9 Gymnastic apparatus .. .. .. 37 13 0 Sundry expenses .. .. .. 24 8 6 Refund fees .. .. .. .. 1 13 4 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 1,563 9 8 £6,046 14 2 £('.,046 14 2