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2. fxENEBAL Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, L 909. ~ Receipt*. £ b. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. (lovornmcnt capitation Balance at beginniii!< of year .. 86 Oil For free places .. .. .. [,024 5 ] Management— Under Manual and Technical Instruction Office salary .. ga 8 4 Regulations .. .. .. 62 18 9 Other office'expenses '.'. " 38 1 9 Current income from reserves .. .. 1,889 15 4 Other expenses of management 49 4 8 Interest on moneys invested and on unpaid Teachers' salaries and allowances 9, 057 1 H purchase-money slo 10 Scholarships .. !! '25 0 0 School fees .. .. .. .. 119 IS 4 ! Prizes .. 41 9 .-, Other receipts- Printing, stationery, and' advertising '.'. 70 10 1 Half-cost of fencing .. .. .. 2 0 0 Cleaning, fuel, light, &c. 194 2 10 Interest on rectory furniture .. .. 89 6 8 Maintenance of classes for manual instrue'Sale of grass, <tc, .. .. .. 12 0 0 tion.. .. .. . 58 3 7 Dr. balance at end of year .. .. 150 7 '.I Purchases and new works .. 476 19 4 Fencing, repairs, &c. .. .. .. 157 8 2 Miscellaneous (rates, ftp.) .. .. 41 It 10 Buildings, equipment, &c, for manual instruction .. -.. .. .. 86 2 8 Other expenditureRent of school and rectory telephones .. 10 1 1 Refund of fees .. .. .. :i 10 0 83,802 2 4 £3,302 -2 4 Wμ. B. Howell, Chairman. A. Bell, Secretary. Audited and found correct.—Jas. B. Beywood, Assistant Controller and Auditor. WAIMATE HIGH SCHOOL. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1909. Receipts. t s. d. Expenditure. £ b. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. :i,G56 3 6 Management— Current income from reserves .. .. 354 >! 6 Office salary .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 Interest on moneys invested and on unpaid Other office expenses .. .. .. 8 10 8 purchase-money .. .. .. 138 1!) 5 I Other expenses of management.. .. 10 0 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 140 0 0 Examinations—Examiners'fees .. .. 10 10 0 Scholarships .. .. .. .. 84 10 (i Prizes (including three gold medals) .. 31 li) 6 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 12 2 6 Cleaning, fuel, light, &.c. .. .. (I 17 0 Books and stationery for sale to pupils, and other temporary advances .. .. 84 12 4 Interest on current account .. .. 0 10 Other expenditure— Solicitor's account .. .. .. 010 6 Travelling expenses, cheque-book .. 1 16 0 Bank charge, exchange .. .. 013 0 Balance at end of year .. .. .. :>,798 3 10 43,149 6 S £3,149 0 5 —— —— . 11. C. Bakclay, Chairman. Examined and found correct, ■■μ-cim thai the payment of £1 Lβ. for travelling-expenses, Chairman and member to Conference, Timaru, is without authority of law, and is therefore dieallowed.—lt. J. Cm.i. ixs. Controller and Auditor-General. UAITAKI HIGH SCHOOL. Stall. Boys' School.— Mr. V. MUner, M.A.; Mr. (i. H. ETttley, M.A.; Air. P. MoCaUum, M.A.; Mr. M. K. MoCulloch, M.A. ; Mr. D. S. Chisholm M.A.; Mr. H. H. Allan, M.A.; Mr. R. C. Ongleyj Mies M. MoC'aw ; Mr. F. Kibblewhite. \§, Girls' School. MiesC. Ferguson, M.A. ; Miss V. M. Groiß, M.A.. B.So. ; Miss A. M. Budd, M.A. ; MieeM. G. MoCaw ; Sergeant-major Kibblewhite. 1. Report ok the Hoard of Governoks. The Board of Governors bofi to report a continuance of the marked success that attends the two schools under their administration, as evidenced by the rapidly increasing rolls and the satisfactory examiiial ion results gained by both institutions. The roll of ihe liovs" school reached 202 at the opening of bhe year, of whom 14-5 were boarders, from all parts of the Dominion. With regard to the work of the schools, it is satisfactory to nod , I ha! four out of the ten Junior Scholarships awarded by the University Senate were this year gained by Waitaki. and that the hoys' school had the distinction of gaining both the first and the second place for The Dominion. During the year the Hoard ol Governors have developed and improved the equipment of the schools at verj considerable expense. Towards the close of the year an important contract was let for the levelling of spacious playgrounds, comprising 13 acres. Moreover, the environment of the school is rapidly being transformed and beautified. Duncan Sutherland, Chairman. 7—P:. 6.