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Tlie work of the school for the year was carried out in a very satisfactory manner. Six pupils passed the Matriculation Examination, and twelve passed the Junior Civil Service Examination, three with credit. Staff. —The staff remains the same as the previous year, but it is expected that the increased attendance will warrant the appointment of an additional assistant master next year. School Attendance. —The attendance showed a considerable increase on that of the previous year, there being a total enrolment of 124, with an average attendance of 110. The curriculum has been strengthened by the provision of instruction in shorthand and systematic physical drill, while the classes in woodwork, cookery, and dressmaking have been maintained as previously. Nexi year it is contemplated to provide instruction in typewriting. School Grounds. —The grounds of the school have been greatly improved by removing trees, levelling, fencing, and asphalting, and are now in excellent order. The school was inspect eel in June by Dr. Anderson. Assistant Inspector-General of Schools. Joshua Tucker, Chairman. 2. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —English (Upper VI). English literature —Life and works of most prominent authors and poets from 111) to 1850, with.extracts from the best-known of their works; Nesfield's Historical English and Derivation, pages 1-149, 173-79, 252-58 ; Nesfield's Manual, revised ; set works — Henry Esmond, with notes on it and the author's life and works ; a resume of each of the latter ; Selections from Tennyson, with notes ; life and works of Tennyson (metre, diction, &c, of poems) ; Anglo-Saxon Primer (Sweet) translated; Second Middle English Primer; Chaucer's Prologue, translated. Arithmetic Goyen's Higher Arithmetic, revised. Geometry—Raker and Bourne's. Books Ito IV. inclusive. revised ; and Books V, VI, VII, taken with chief exercises thereon. Algebra Hall and Knight's Algebra used, and work taken to end of permutations and combinations, page -i2N : graphs, taken from Baker and Bourne's Geometry. Trigonometry Pendlebury, to page 208. Heat Glazebrook, chapters I 12, excluding 1 1. Botany As for Junior University Scholarship and Matriculation ; Cavers's Plant Biology. Latin Caesar de Beflo Gallico, IV; Virgil, VIII; Cicero, De Officiis, 111, to chapter 9 ; Lout; mans' Latin I , ruse : I'nseens; Roman History and Antiquities. French Siepmann, Pari II: Matriculation French Course (Weekley); Exercises from Tutorial French Composition ; M. Pinson ; Picciola ; phonetics. Lowest. English [vanhoe and Marmion, Canto I : Nesfield's Junior Composition, chapters 2 and .'S: elementary parsing, analysis, and synthesis ; essays. Latin Longmans' Latin Course, to deponeni verbs. French Siepmann. I'art I. Algebra Baker and Bourne, bo page !••'!. Geometry Baker and Bourne, propositions of Book I and practical work. Arithmetic Goyen's Higher Arithmetic, to page 111. Science Elementary agriculture as for Junior Civil Service syllabus. Book keeping Grierson, to page 50, Shorthand Greig's Handbook. Woodwork, cooking, dressmaking, according to Department's course. 3. Geneisal Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1909. Receipts. t s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Government capitation— Dr. balance at beginning of year .. ..1.220 17 9 For free places .. .. .. 1.0G2 '.) 2 Management— Under Manual and Technical Instruction Offioe salary .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Regulations .. .. .. 27 7 C Other office expenses .. .. .. 3 010 Current income from reserves .. .. 754 (i 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances.. .. 083 f> 8 School fees .. .. .. .. 39 18 0 Prizes .. .. .. .. .. 10 4 4 Other receipts— Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 14 10 3 Government Acoident Insurance .. 0 5 8 Cleaning, fuel, light, &o. .. .. 60 16 S Old iron sold .. .. .. .. 2 17 (i Maintenance of classes for manual instruction 27 7 6 Dr. balance at end of year .. .. 1,284 8 8 Purchaees and new works .. .. 628 10 4 Fencing, repairs, &c. .. .. .. 17 10 9 Miscellaneous (rates, &c.) .. .. 46 14 0 Interest on current account .. .. 75 10 6 Other expenditureBank charge .. .. .. .. 0 10 0 Tools for caretaker .. .. .. 011 3 Towels, ladder, and cutting trees .. 2 5 7 Water-supply .. .. .. .. 7 16 0 Inspection of reserves .. .. .. 10 0 0 Milk-separator .. .. .. 12 0 0 £3,171 12 5 £3,171 12 5 Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Rents of reserves (outstanding) .. .. 56 4 0 Dr. balance due bank .. .. .. 1,284 8 8 Capitation due from Education Department (third term) .. .. .. .. 406 5 0 School furniture (estimated) .. .. 327 0 0 £789 9 0 £1,284 8 8 Joshua Tucker, Chairman. John Davison, Secretary, Examined and found correct. — TJ. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General,