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(jirls' College. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. t c d. Brought forward .. .. 8,190 17 0 Brought forward .. .. 7,204 11 7 Boarding fees .. .. .. .. 1,543 10 0 House expenses .. .. .. 1,300 11 7 Tuition fees .. .. .. .. 680 8 0 Tuition expenses .. .. .. 1,491 14 4 Government capitation— Scholarships— Freeplaoes.. .. .. .. 1,290 5 0 Endowed .. .. .. .. 58 6 8 Cookery .. .. .. .. 24 7 6 Foundation.. .. .. .. 66 6 0 Physiology .. .. .. .. 8 12 6 , District High School .. .. 80 0 0 Botany .. .. .. .. 512 6 Governors' and Auditors' fees .. .. 38 7 8 Dressmaking .. .. .. 415 0 I Stationery .. .. .. .. 38 18 4 Duty on pictures refunded .. .. 20 16 10 Prizes .. .. .. .. 18 8 3 Refunds .. .. .. .. 2 4 6 Printing and advertising .. .. 40 17 9 Gas .. .. .. .. .. 78 7 2 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 16 11 0 Repairs .. .. .. .. 63 9 4 Insurance .. .. .. .. 26 1 6 Freight charges and duty on pictures .. 33 6 3 Telephone and letter-box .. .. 6 0 0 Felling and sawing trees .. .. 15 19 2 Grounds .. .. .. .. 5 4 6 1 Magazine .. .. .. .. 3 3 0 Secretary .. .. .. .. 83 7 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. 2 14 7 Capital Account. Land sold .. .. .. .. 875 0 0 Furniture, Boys' College .. .. 124 8 9 Repayment on account of mortgage .. 80 12 5 Furniture, Girls' College .. .. 55 19 10 Bank overdraft, 31st December, 1909 .. 840 18 0 Bank overdraft, 31st December, 1908 .. 2,813 16 0 Add unpaid cheques .. .. .. 93 15 3 Total (of four accounts) ..£13,66110 3 Total (of four accounts) ..£13,66110 8 Statement i>l Leans mi Mortgage Account at 31st December, 1909. A. Mortgages owing to Nelson College. c c. a. I £ a. d. Amount outstanding on loan at 31et Deoem- Repayment on account of mortgage .. 80 12 fl bur ]iK)B .. .. .. .. 1,688 12 6 Balance outstanding on loan at 31st December, 190S1 .. .. .. .. 1,608 0 0 £1,688 12 f> ■ £1,688 12 5 B. Mortgage, owing by Nelson College. £ s. d. £ R. d. Amount borrowed on mortgage .it ."! Ist De- Amount outstanding on mortgage :it 31st oember, I9OS .. .. ..10,000 0 0 December, 190! I .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 £10,000 (I 0 £10,000 0 0 Wβ hereby certify thai we have examined the above accounts, and have found the same correct, and have duly examined all deeds of mortgage and oi her securities, and have found the same in full force and virtue. ' John King, i. AuditorgK. Catlbt, i Statement of Assets and Liabilities of Nelson College on 31st December, I'M)'.). Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. il. Mortgage securities .. .. .. 1,608 0 0 Mortgage nit Colleges .. .. ..10,000 0 (I Freehold property, exclusive of College build- ( luvernors' fees.. .. .. .. 100 0 0 i ngs .. .. .. . ..20,679 18 <> Bank overdraft .. 840 18 0 Boys' Collego a.nd outbuildings .. ..26,380 15 5 Add unpaid cheques .. 93 16 .'i (iirls' College «.nd outhuildings .. .. 6,500 0 0 934 1:1 3 College house .. .. ■• •■ 2,044 16 ] Balance ourrent 50,835 1 !l Collego furnitureBoys' College .. .. •■ 1,705 4 9 I (Jirls' College .. .. .. 1.481 8 4 Office .. .- •• •■ 30 lit .-> Interest due .. .. .. .. 16 9 6 Rents due JB2 5 0 Fees due . • • • ■ • • • 133 10 10 Capitation for free pupils .. .. 015 6 9 Advances to boarders .. .. .. 101 1 6 £61,869 15 0 £61,869 15 0 Jambs Bi.atr, Secretary.