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Course ; Hogben's Methode Naturelle. History—Raiisome, 1688-1837, with brief survey of earlier periods. Geography—Longmans' No. 3, Physical and Political. Arithmetic— Pendlebury. Algebra —Hall and Knight, to factors. Geometry —Hall and Stevens, Parts I and II. Chemistry—Eoscoe and Liuit's Inorganic Chemistry for Beginners. Physiology- Furneaux's Human Physiology. Drawing—Model, freehand, and geometrical as for Civil Service Junior. 3. Gknbral Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1909. Receipts. & s. d. Expenditure. £ e. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 34 18 2 Management—Office expenses .. .. 2 6 0 Government grants—For buildings, furni- Teachers'salaries and allowances .. .. 867 18 1 ture, fittings, and apparatus for manual Prizes .. .. .. .. .. 21 7 8 instruction .. .. .. .. 69 10 10 Material for classes other than classes for Government capitation— manual instruction .. .. .. 9 0 0 For free places .. .. .. 902 11 8 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 16 5 6 Under Manual and Teohnical Instruction Cleaning, fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 58 'J 0 Regulations.. .. . .. 33 0 0 Maintenance of classes for manual instrucTechnical .. .. .. .. '45 1 1 tion .. .. .. .. 42 10 8 Subsidy on voluntary contributions, manual Purchases and new works .. .. 77 17 7 and technical instruction .. .. *35 0 0 ; Fencing, repairs, &c. .. .. .. 23 5 4 Paid by Sohool Commissioners .. .. 301 7 6 Miscellaneous (rates, &c.) .. .. 0 9 0 School fees .. .. .. .. 124 13 4 Buildings, equipment, &c, for manual inTechnical School feea .. .. .. *167 14 0 struction .. .. .. .. 13 6 10 Voluntary contributions— Interest on current account .. .. 0 2 (3 On account of general purposes of the Other expenditure: Technical classesschool .. .. .. .. 4 10 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. *237 11 8 On account of manual and technical in- Rent, lighting, &o. .. .. .. *11 14 1 struotion .. .. .. .. '35 0 0 Material .. .. .. *37 3 5 Other reoeipts— Repairs, insurance, advertising .. .. *14 0 11 Sohool fees, 10s.; £4 10s. (Chairman) .. 5 0 0 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 365 17 4 Sale of wool .. .. .. '37 19 3 Subsidy on Wool Instructor's travelling expenses .. .. .. .. *3 0 0 £1,799 5 10 £1,799 5 10 Details of receipts and expenditure of Technical School are shown in supplementary statement printed below. Supplementary Statement, Dannevirkb Technical School. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Capitation, technical classes .. .. 45 1 1 Salaries .. .. .. .. 237 11 8 Subsidy on voluntary contributions .. 35 0 0 Rent and lighting .. .. .. 11 14 1 Teohnical-class fees .. .. .. 167 14 0 Material .. .. .. .. 37 3 5 Voluntary contributions .. .. .. 35 0 0 Insurance, repairs, &c. .. .. .. 14 0 11 Sale of wool .. .. .. .. 37 19 3 Subsidy on travelling-expenses .. .. 3 0 0 £323 14 4 £300 10 1

A. Gkant, Chairman. T. Macallan, Secretary. Examined and found correct. —R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.

MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL. Staff. Dr. •). limes, M.A., LL.D. : Mr. J. H. Qoulding, M.A. ; .Miss M. C. Roes, M.A. ; Miss K. M. Allen, M.A. 1. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —English —Neslield's English Grammar, Past and Present, and Aids; composition and precw-writing ; Wilson's Literature ; Chaucer's Prologue ; Bacon's Essays (selected); Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice and Julius Cesar. French —Wellington College French Grammar; Advanced French Composition ; Corneille's Polyeucte ; Victor Hugo's Quartre-vingt-treize ; Rousseau's Central Social. Latin —Arnold's Latin Prose Composition; Ramsay's Latin Prose, Vol. II; Roman History and Antiquities ; Vergil's iEneid, Book VIII; Livy, Book XXII (part only) ; Cicero. De OfficiJsj Book 111. Mathematics —As for University Junior Scholarship and Civil Service Senior. Physics (Heat) —As for University Junior Scholarship. Botany and agricultural botany —As for University Junior Scholarship and Civil Service Senior. Lowest. —English—Nesfield's Outline and Junior Composition; Meiklejohn'a Spelling; Lamb's Tales from .Shakespeare ; Henley's Lyra Heroica. History—Tout's Advanced History, to end of Richard 11. Geography—Arnold's British Isles and World in Outline. Arithmetic- Pendlcbury's, from beginning to proportion. Algebra : —Baker and Bourne, to end of simple problems. Geometry —Hall and Stevens, Part I. Latin —Scott and Jones's First Latin Course ; Scales Primes. French —Dent's First French Book. Botany —Elementary work ;no text-book. Physical measurements — Mainly, Gregory's Exercise-book. Book-keeping —Bolton's Business Book-keeping, Part I. Cookery, needlework —For girls. Woodwork, military drill —For boys,