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The roll-number of individual students increased from 315 in 1908 to 481 in limn, the average roll of weekly attendance being in the latter year 585. The Director and teaching staff are keenly interested in the prosperity of the school, and the pupils themselves have contributed no little amount to the success of the institution by their enthusiasm and regular attendance. Finance. —There will be a deficit on the cost of land and buildings over the amounts of grants, contributions, and subsidies, of approximately £160. Surely some concentrated effort could be made to obtain a further contribution of £80, which, with the Government subsidy of 1£ for £1. would put the finances of the technical department on a sound footing. The only change in the personnel of the Board during the year has been the appointment of Mr. Hodder in place of Mr. Bennett (resigned) ; and it is worthy of some note that with this exception all the Governors have held office since the inception of the Board. In conclusion, I desire to place on record my heartfelt thanks to my fellow-Governors for their unfailing support and assistance during my two years' occupancy of the chair of this important body, and I vacate the chair with an expression of thanks and goodwill to you all, and to the Principals and staffs of both schools. Walter Rutherfurd, Chairman. 2. Work op the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —English — Literature — Merchant of Venice. Julius Cnesar, period 1744-1800, Henry Esmond; gram mar -Nesh'eld's Past and Present; precis; Anglo-Saxon and Middle English; essay. Mathematics (Junior University Scholarship standard) —Arithmetic, miscellaneous ; algebra, Baker and Bourne; geometry, Baker and Bourne; trigonometry, Pendlebury's Shorter Course. Science (Junior University Scholarship standard) —Electricity and magnetism, Poyser ; mechanics, Loney. Latin. —Prose, Arnold, Continuous Selected ; translation—Cicero Book III. Virgil's iEneid Book VIII, miscellaneous ; history, Merivale and Puller ; Antiquities, Book II, Professor Wilkins. French— Wellington College French Grammar ; Spier's Rapid Exercises ; Polyeucte ; Quatre-vingt-treine ; unseen translation ; proses ; essays. Lowest. —English—Literature —Goldsmith's Traveller, Scott's Talisman, Historical Reader, Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare ; grammar, Nesfield's Manual, Parts I and II ; history, Ransome, 1603 ; geography —Europe, trade-routes, British possessions, physical as in Longman II. Mathematics Arithmetic, Standard VI, Zealandia ; algebra, Baker and Bourne, page 158; geometry, Baker and Bourne, Books I and II. Latin —Macmillan's Shorter Course, Part I. French—Siepmann, Part I. Chemistry, or agriculture, or botany —Elementary. Drawing —Elementary design and colour-work. Woodwork or cookery. 3. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1909. Receipts. £ s. d. i Expenditure. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 284 14 11 ; ManagementGovernment grants— Office salary—Secretary, £30 ; Caretaker, For sites, building, furniture, &c. (general £109 .. .. .. .. 139 0 0 purposes) .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 ( Other office expenses .. .. .. 27 17 7 For buildings, furniture, fittings, and ftp- Other expenses of management (technical) *250 0 0 paratus for recognised school classes for Teachers' salaries and allowances.. .. 1,449 3 8 manual instruction .. .. ..'5,455 12 0 Instructors'salaries (technioal) .. .. '742 17 8 Government capitation— Boarding-school Account .. .. 412 16 6 For free places .. .. .. 1,522 11 7 Kefund, Wanganui Education Board .. "23 2 5 Under Manual and Technical Instruction Scholarships .. .. .. .. 40 19 0 Eegulations .. .. .. "457 19- 6 Prizes .. .. .. .. .. 16 15 4 Subsidy on voluntary contributions (techni- Material for classes other than classes for cal instruction) .. .. .. *298 2 7 manual instruction .. .. .. 14 3 3 Grants on account rent (technical classes).. '100 10 10 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. *60 7 3 Paid by School Commissioners .. .. 149 7 4 | Cleaning, fuel, light, &o. .. .. 81 3 8 School fees .. .. .. .. 254 9 4 Books and stationery, printing and advertisTechnical classes .. .. '457 2 I ; ing, High Sohool ' .. .. .. 68 3 3 Boarding-school fees .. .. .. 413 3 6 Material, Teohnical School classes .. '51 0 1 Books, &c, sold and other refunds .. 8 1 0 i Maintenance of classes for manual instrueVoluntary contributions on account of tion .. .. .. .. .. 22 19 5 manual and technical instruction .. '274 2 10 Sewerage system (Government grant) .. 200 0 0 Other receipts— Buildings, furniture, &c.—Manual instrucTechnical account: Saleoflead, £9 7s. lid.; tion (Government grant, £5,30G 129.; wool, £13 16s. 3d. .. .. .. '23 4 2, from current revenue, £588 18s. 4d.) .. ft,895 10 4 Contractors, for plane .. .. .. *76 10 0 j Purchases and new works .. .. 95 2 0 for overtime on contraot .. *24 8 0 j Fencing, repairs, &o. .. .. .. 49 11 11 Rent.. .. .. .. .. '5 0 0 Miscellaneous (rates, &c.) .. .. 15 5 10 Rent—Technioal classes .. .. .. '79 5 0 Other expenditure—Freights, cartage, and sundry expenses (teebnical) .. .. *48 2 3 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 221 13 3 £10,004 19 8 £10,004 19 8 • Details of receipts and expenditure on account of Technical School are shown in supplementary statement.