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REPORTS Or MEDICAL OFFICERS. Auckland Industrial School. Sin,— Auckland, 21st April, J9lO. I have to report that the cases of sickness during the past rear have not been serious, although there have been rather more slight rases of illness than usual. At the preseni the health nf all the children is good, and all are able to attend school. I have, &c, A. CiiAi.i.iMiK I'ruoHAs, M.8., CM.. M.R.C.S. (England), M 'dical Officer. St. Mart'B Industrial School. Auckland: Girls' Branch, Ponsonby. Sin,— Auckland, 2-tth April. 1910. I have the greatest pleasure in forwarding a report mi the above institution. In going through the building in all its minutiae 1 certainly can find no real fault. The dormitories are splendidly ventilated and kept scrupulously clean. The bedding is all that can be desired. The children are very healthy, dean, and well clothed. Their diet is well varied, good, and wholesome. The dairy is cool, clean, and well ventilated : the kitchen and cooking-range are fit for any institution of its kind. The Lavatories, w.-o.'s, and drainage are all in good order. In conclusion, 1 must say the orphanage is a great credit to the Sisters of Mercy. And from my long experience with this institution, great M-at is due to the Mother Superior Sister Marj Francis for her undying zeal and attachment to the little ones of this fast-grow ing large institution. I have, &c., W. J. Darby, Bon, Physician. Hoys' Training Farm, Wkhauoa Sir,— Levin, 2nd May, 1910. I have the honour to report for the year 1909—10 thai the health of the inmates of the Weraroa Training Farm lias been good, and that there have been no serious cases of illness. During the year l>r. Frengley, of the Department of Public Health, examined the inmates relative to the condition of their throats, and more particularly in respect to finding which boys suffered from adenoids and which did not. Quite a number of boys were declared by him to have adenoids, bill so far nothing lias been done to remedy this condition. I wish to point out thai this diseased condition is not the simple thing even some medical men seem to regard it: children who suffer from this condition are liable to serious diseases of the ears if the condition of not properly treated. [Note. —This matter is now remedied.] The water-supply of the farm is still defective, and 1 would again point out that a much better supply can lie procured a; a reasonable cost, ami ! hope this scheme will soon be rone on with. Although the ventilation of the sleeping-apartments has been very much improved during the year, 1 consider these apartments congested, and would suggest that provision I).' made to lessen the number sleeping in each room. A swimming-bath ami gymnasium are both adjuncts that would greatly benefit the inmates. and I respectfully suggest that they be added to this institution. The Manager and Matron have at all times done all in their power to me m carrying out my duties, and I have always found the premises in a clean ami sanitary condition, ami the inmates well cared for. I have, Ac, H. D. Mackenzie, M.D., Medical Officer. St. Joseph's [ndustrlai. School (Oirls) Wellington. Sir, Wellington. Kith May, l<llo. I have the honour to furnish (he annual report on St. Joseph's Industrial School ((iirls), Wellington. 1 have visited and inspected the school at regular intervals during (lie past year. There has been no epidemic, and no deaths have occurred in the institution during the year. One case of pneumonia occurred, and one of pleurisy, both making a good recovery. There have also been two cases of chicken-pox and two of mumps. Apart from these cases, the general health of the children has been very good. The school is still in the charge of Sister Mary Ambrose. The administration is excellent.: and the nursing arrangements, the sanitary, ventilating, and general hygienic conditions remain as satisfactory as they have always been under her efficient can-. 'I he children appear contented, well clad, and well nourished; and the school premises, dormitories, workrooms. A-c.. appear at all times scrupulously clean and neat. 1 am glad to be able to state that most likely in the course of another year the institution will be removed from the present premises to a new building at Upper Tfutt. for which plans are already in hand. This change will be extremely grateful and beneficial to children and staff alike. I have, At.. P, Mackin, M.D.. I'M!.('.S.l':.. Medical Officer.