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Summary of Rents for 1909.

H. L. Michel, Chairman. A. J. Morton, Secretary. The payment of £16 16s. 'for Commissioner's travelling-expenses is without authority of law, and is therefore disallowed.—R. J. Colltnr, Controller and Auditor-General.

CANTERBURY. Sir, — Government Buildings, Christchurch, 4th January, 1910. In accordance wil b < brder in Council of the 17rh September, 1878, 1 have the honour to forward the report of the School Commissioners for the Canterbury Provincial District tor the year ending the 31st of December, 1909, together with a copy of its accounts duly audited. The total area of the primary-education estate under lease on the 31st December, 1909, was c>7. Mil acres, producing an annual rent of tlii.BoB 16s. Of this area, 23,315 acres is contained in what is known as Pastoral Run No. ">. Of the £1,219 18s. 3d. received at the end of last year from the sale of Opawa Township sections, Albury, £1,200 was invested on mortgage for three years from the 16th February, 1909, at 5j per centum per annum, and the balance (£lll 18s. 3d.) was added to the fixed deposit for £278 10s. 7d.. which matured on the 23rd December. 1909, and the sum of £298 Bs. 10d. was then deposited with the Bank of New Zealand for one year from that date. During the year the leases of five farms fell in. Of these, one was renewed by arbitration, and the remainder were let by public tender, all for thirteen years and eleven months from the Ist May, 1909. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. John Rennie, Chairman.

General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1909.

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Arrears on Slsi December, 1908. Rental for 1909. Receipts. 1909. Outstanding on 31st December, 1909. Arrears. Current. 'riimry lecond&ry ... £ s. <1. 69 15 0 7-2 6 & s. J. 153 15 10 20 5 0 t s. 110 14 15 17 a. 2 6 £ s. d. £ s. ,1. 18 0 0 94 1(5 8 11 HI 0 7(i 17 6 174 0 10 126 11 8 L8 0 0 106 6 ! 8

Primary. Total. I Receipts. £ s. Balance brought down from 3l3t December. 1908 Arrears of rent from last account collected Moneys payable within the year 1909, and collected— On account of half-year's rent payable in advance on the 1st i 9,847 15 May, 1909 On account of half-year's rent payable in advance on the 1st 8,153 13 November, 1901) Other receipts— Bank of New Zealand: Interest on £278 10s. 7d. placed on deposit for one year (sfe statement of 31st December, 1908) Half-years interest on mortgage for £1,200. due 16th August, 1909 . . a. o 8 £ s. d 3,738 0 7 2.329 1 8 18,001 8 8 9 14 7 33 0 0 Total receipts 24,111 5 6