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Receipts. —The net receipts for the year, excluding balances brought forward, were : For primary education, £1,030 Ids. sd. ; and for secondary education, £387 11s. 6d., or a total of £1,418 Is. lid., making, with the balances brought forward from last year, a grand total of £2,301 19s. 7d. The balances outstanding have been materially reduced, and it is anticipated that, in view of further reductions to be made, the loss entailed by the irregularities of a former officer will not be large. Expenditure.—The sum of £1,123 was paid towards primary education, and the sum of £435 towards secondary education, making a total of £1,558 for the year. The cost of administration amounted to £121 2s. lid., which included £31 10s. paid to the Audit Office for a special investigation of the accounts, made at the request of the Commissioners. Reserves. —I am pleased to report that, with few exceptions, the leases of our reserves are in the hands of satisfactory tenants, and that the arrears of rents which had accumulated are gradually being reduced. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. A. T. Maginnity, Chairman.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending the 31st December, 1909.

Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Balance in bank ... ... ... ... ... ... 245 4 0 Cash in hand ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 0 0 Balance due by late Secretary ... ... . ... 364 12 8 Rents outstanding— Primary ... ... ... ... £396 0 0 Secondary ... ... ... ... 114 18 5 510 18 5 Total assets ... ... ... £1,133 15 1 Liabilities. Nil. F. St. John, Secretary. Examined and found correct, except £9 18s. travelling-expenses, which is without authority of law, and is therefore disallowed.—R. J. Collins, Assistant Controller and Auditor-General.


Primary. Secondary. Total. Receipts. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1908 ... ... ... 700 13 9 183 3 11 Balance, due by late Secretnry, 31st December. 1908 Cash in hand ... Rents from reserves— Arrears ... ... ... ... ... 101 16 6 48 10 0 Current ... ... ... ... ... 928 13 11 339 I 6 •£ s. 395 5 486 3 2 9 £ i 395 486 2 150 1,267 1 d. 2 6 0 150 6 1,267 15 6 5 Total receipts ... ... 1,731 4 2 570 15 5 2,301 19 2,301 1 7 Expenditure. i E s. d. £ s. ,1. Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 952 0 0 Grey Education Board ... ... ... ... 132 0 0 North Canterbury Education Board ... ... 39 0 o Nelson College ' ... ... ... ... ... 435 0 0 Travelling-expenses, Commissioners' ... ... 6 12 0 3 6 0 j Printing, advertising, and stationery ... ... 0 13 6 Secretary's salary ... ... ... ... 33 (i 8 16 13 4 Fidelity guarantee of secretary ... ... ... 218 10 10 Audit Department charges ... ... ... 21 0 0 10 10 0 Valuations and reports ... ... ... ... 4 4 0 2 2 0 Law costs ... ... ... ... ... 6 16 11 I 3 8 6 Office expenses ... ... ... ... 3 16 8 1 13 4 Office furniture! ... ... ... ... 2 11 8 1 5 10 e s. 952 0 132 0 89 0 435 0 9 18 ' 0 13 50 0 3 2 31 10 6 6 10 5 5 10 3 17 E s. 952 0 132 0 89 0 435 0 9 18 • 0 13 50 0 3 2 31 10 6 6 10 5 5 10 3 17 d. 0 0 0 0 0 (i 0 6 0 0 5 0 6 1,204 3 1 \ 474 19 10 Balances, 31st December, 1909 ... ... ... 527 11 95 15 7 1. 1,679 2 11 622 16 8 ,679 2 622 16 Total expenditure ,.. ... 1,731 4 2[ 570 15 5 2, 2,301 19 ,301 19 7