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Gmnekal Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 190' J. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. t: s. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 2,132 14 5 Staff salaries and clerical assistance .. 1,161 410 Grants from Government for Office contingencies .. .. .. 1,187 12 3 Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, and Teachers' and pupil-teachers' salaries, and allowances to pupil-teachers.. .. 22,958 5 8 allowances to pupil-teachers .. .. -23,200 13 7 Reserves revenue for primary education 'Jo-2 0 (I Relieving-teachers' salaries .. .. 148 0 8 Capitation at b'd. for relieving-teachers .. 124 6 8 Conveyance and board of school-children .. 77 13 4 Capitation at Hβ. Bd.. and grant oi !;-250 3,078 15 1 ' Special capitation to School Committees .. 182 11 0 Special oapitaiion at. 9d. for Sohool Com- I Incidental expenses of schools .. .. 87y 11 5 mitteea .'. .. .. .. 182 11 0 Free sohool-books .. .. .. 137 1 0 Conveyance and board of school-chiloren 74 11 10 Allowance to scholarship-holders and exFree school-books .. .. .. 131 7 6 j penses of examination Receipts from other sources — Rents, Board scholarships .. .. .. 388 15 0 £44 6s. H)d.; interest, £22 135.; mis- National Scholarships .. .. 212 10 0 cellaneous receipts, £'27 7s. (id. .. 94 7 4 Salaries of teachers and additions to salari. ; Grants from Government for— of head teachers on staffs of district Scholarships— high schools .. .. .. 073 l'J '2 Education Board .. .. .. 2GO 14 6 | Refunds and minor expenses .. .. 13 7 l> National .. .. .. 157 10 0 Manual and technical — District high schools—Salaries of toteheis 977 12 6 School classes .. .. .. 1.037 10 10 Receipts from o.her sources District higii Special classes .. .. .. 1,514 4 1 school— Maintenance of school buildings Fees .. .. .. •• SOO Alterations, small aadilioiiH. ropairs. reVoluntary coutrioutione .. .. 11 17 0 : painting, &c. .. .. .. 2,800 13 8 Grants from Government for manual and Rebuilding .. .. .. .. 1,866 8 1 technical instruction — Rent .. .. .. .. .. 41 7 0 Capitation— House allowances .. .. .. 700 3 9 On all classes .. .. .. 1,140 11 0 New school buildings, additional chissMaterial (or clas}-work .. .. 82 16 8 rooms, furniture, sites, &o. .. ~ -2,-281 1 0 Subsidies on voluntary contributions 160 10 0 Buildings, class-rooms, furniture, &c, for Receipts from other sources -- Fees., manual and technical purposes £260 45.; voluntary contribution.-, School classes .. .. .. '2t>(j .11 '.) £185 35.; rent, £32 10s. .. .. 177 17 0 Special classes .. .. .. 1,571 5 2 Provided by otber Boards towards In- Purchase of sites .. .. .. "24 I) 10 stractors' salaries . . .. .. 175 0 0 Book-room department .. .. "218 11 5 Grants from Government for— Maintenance of school buildings, rebuilding, rents, sites, &.c. .. .. 757 '.'2 0 , House allowances .. .. .. 700 4 7 New school buildings, additions, furniture, sites, &c. .. .. .. 2,171 0 0 Technical - school buildings, additions, furniture, fittings, apparatus, &c. .. 1,985 12 4 Other receiptsSale of sites .. .. .. 24 0 0 Sale of school material .. .. 97 5 4 Sale of old building .. .. 12 0 0 llalance at end of year .. .. 590 3 0 639,904 5 6 £39,904 5 6 A. T. Maginnity, Chairman. N. K. Williams, Secretary. GREY. Sir, — Education Office, Greymouth, 18th May, 1910. I have the honour to present the report of the Education Board of the District of Grey for the year ending 31st December, 1909. Board. —At the beginning of the year the Board consisted of the following gentlemen : Messrs. James Kerr (chairman), W. H. Kettle (Treasurer), H. J. Bignell. S. I{. Harris, J. Noble. Hon. James Marshall, M.L.C., J. McCarthy, J. Ryall, and K. White. At the annual election held in July Messrs. Noble and Bignell were returned unopposed for the Northern and Western Wards respectively. For the Eastern Ward, Mr. White retired, but his recandidature was opposed by Mr. John Flynn, a previous member of the Board. The election resulted in a tie, and on being determined by lot Mr. Flynn was duly elected. At the annual meeting following the election Mr. W. R. Kettle was elected Chair man. and Mr. H. J. Bignell Treasurer for the ensuing term. Schools. —During the year thirty-six shools were in operation, as against thirty-five for the previous year, but of these No Town and Teremakau (Grade 0) Schools, owing to falling attendance, were temporarily closed. The schools in operation were graded as follows : Grade 0, 11 ; Grade I, 7 ; Grade 11, 4 ; Grade 111, 3 ; Grade IV, 6 ; Grade V, 1 ; Grade VI, 3 ; Grade IX, 1. Attendance. —For the year the roll-number of pupils was 1,934, and the average attendance 1,694, as compared with 1,822 and 1,580 respectively, the corresponding totals for 1908. The average attendance was 87-5 per cent, of the total roll number, and, taking into consideration the severe climatic conditions and nature of the bush roads and tracks over which the majority of the children have to travel, the result compares most favourably with any other education district in the Dominion. Teachers. —At the end of the year fifty-eight adult teachers, seven pupil-teachers, and four probationers were in the employ of the Board. Of the adult teachers, nine male and seventeen females are certificated, and four males and twenty-eight females uncertificated. The average number of pupils to each adult teacher was 29-21. Scholarships.—A total of twenty-six candidates entered for the Junior National and Board Junior Scholarships, and of these, eight qualified under the Junior National Scholarship conditions.