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No. 18. New Zealand, No. 54. My Lord,— Government House, Wellington, 17th June, 1909. I have the honour to acknowledge your Lordship's despatch, No. 77, of the 7th April, on the subject of the appointment of Mr. Thomas Young as Consul of Japan at Wellington. I am not aware of any objection to this appointment; and notification of his being recognised provisionally in that capacity was published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 10th June, 1909. I have, &c, JAMES PRENDERGAST, Deputy Governor. To the Earl of Crewe, Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.—2, 1910, No. 7.

No. 19. New Zealand, No. 55. My Lord,— Government House, Wellington, 18th June, 1909. I have the honour to acknowledge your despatch, No. 79, of the 15th April, in which it is suggested that section 80 of the Act No. 227 of 1908 of the New Zealand Parliament, entitled " An Act to amend the Harbours Act, 1908," should be amended with a view of bringing the New Zealand law on 'certain points mentioned by your Lordship into conformity with section 592 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894. 2. My Prime Minister, in reply, has sent me the following minute upon this subject:— ' The Harbours Act, 1908,' was only a consolidating Act, and section 80 I" was similar to the provision contained in ' The Harbours Act, 1878.' There I" is, however, no objection to the section being altered as suggested by the Secre-. '" tary of State, and it is proposed to make provision for this in a Bill which is " now being prepared to amend the Harbours Act." I have, &c, JAMES PRENDERGAST, _ , Deputy Governor. To the Earl of Crewe, Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 20. New Zealand, No. 56. My Lord,— Government House, Wellington, 18th June, 1909 In reply to your despatch, No. 65, of the 18th March, I have the honour to inform your Lordship that the New Zealand Government propose to be represented at the International Veterinary Congress which is to take place at the Hague next September. I have, &c, JAMES PRENDERGAST, _ , _ , „ Deputy Governor. 1 o the Earl of Crewe, Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.—2, 1910, No. 1.

No. 21. New Zealand, No. 57. My Lord,— Government House, Wellington, 22nd June, 1909 With reference to Lord Plunket's despatch, No. 52, of the 15th June I have the honour to inform your Lordship that the New Zealand Parliament was prorogued on the 17th June. 2. During Sir Joseph Ward's absence from the Dominion, the Honourable James Carroll is acting as Prime Minister.