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E)T. A.\d«bws Domain. Reserve No. 634, Otaio and Patiti Survey Districts. Area, 24 acres and 12 perches. Work done during year : Hedges trimmed, dead trees removed, pavilion and entrance-gates painted, and new ring for sports formed. The Board provided the timber, and the work was done by the Sports Committee. Improvements now on domain : Eighty-four chains fences, hedges, 5 chains open drain, 7 acres mixed plantation, 17 acres grassing, pavilion, and sportsring. ' Used for picnics, cricket, and sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year: General maintenance. Templeton Domain. Reserves Nos. 2351 and 2418, and part Rural Section 1807, Block IX, and part Rural Section 1680, Block XIII, Christchurch Survey District; and part Rural Section 2737, Block XVI, Rolleston Survey District. Area, 245 acres. This domain comprises the principal area of 229 acres, and three smaller areas at Templeton, Yaldhurst, and Hornby. Work done during year: Tree-planting done in the Templeton and Yaldhurst grounds, fences to protect trees erected at Yaldhurst and Hornby, the latter area cultivated and laid down in grass; entrance-gates erected, cricket-pitch made, and gates repaired and painted at Templeton, and other improvements and repairs effected to the three areas. Improvements now on domain : Fences, avenue of trees, pavilions, tennis-courts, croquet-lawns, cricket-pitch, entrance-gates, seating accommodation, conveniences, and shelter and ornamental trees. Used for grazing, and for picnics, sports, military manoeuvres, cricket, tennis, croquet, bowls and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erecting conveniences and possibly a small pavilion at Hornby, erecting and repairing fences, stubbing gorse, broom, and noxious weeds, providing seating accommodation, planting ornamental trees and shrubs, clearing weeds, and replacing failures amongst trees. Temuka Domain. Reserves Nos. 307, Town of Arowhenua, and 1561, Opihi Survey District. Area, 183 acres. Work done during year: General maintenance, and 1351 cords of firewood cut, of which the greater portion has been sold. Improvements now on domain : Post-and-wire fences with !?or«e hedges, six iron wicket srates for foot traffic, five double gates for vehicles, caretaker's house, bowling-pavilion, tennis-shed, dressincr-shed, srrandstand and necessary offices, three asphalt tennis-courts, asphalt oyoling-track, crieket-Erround, bowlin<r-green. and croquet-court ; Used for sports and picnics. It is proposed to extend the recreation-ground by taking in about 12 acres of the area at present leased. The several clubs using the domain continue to add considerably to its attractiveness by expending large sums out of their own funds in improving and maintaining those portions allotted to them for their particular sports. Tinwat.d Domain. Part of Reserves Nos. 2378 and 2275, Block XVI, Westerfield Survey District. Area, 230 acres. Work done durinsr year: Two miles of iron fencing erected, 10 acres of trees and shrubs planted in place of pines, now tennis-courts laid down, well sunk a"d pump erected, hollows filled in new c a tes and posts erected, and California* thistle eradicated. Improvements now on domain • Gnrse, wire, nnd mncrocarpa fences, pipe and open drains, erandstand and booth, three rooms for offices, pnviMion, plantation, shrubs, tennis-courts, and lakelot with boat and boatshed. Used for cricket, tennis, sports, hoatinsr. bathing, and general recreation. Proposed operations for enmnng year: Rp-fnrrmng drives, removing a number of trees and replacing them with trees and shrubs, painting buildings and gates, and generally maintaining the area. Wahi Takaho Domain. Reserve No. 3716, Block VIII, Teviotdale Survey District, Area, 55 acres. Work done during year : Pipe driven and pump erected, 200 trees planted, and a square fenced off and planted. Improvements now on domain : Water-supply, enclosures, and trees. Used for picnics, bathing, campinjr, and as a rifle range. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erecting shelter-shed and fencing, and planting trees. The Board proposes to hold a local concert to raise funds for these works. Waiau Domain. Section No. 1, Block XIII, Waiau Survey District. Area, 40 acres. Work done during year: Five hundred trees planted: asphalt tennis-court laid down; additions made to pavilion; conveniences erected; briar, blackberry, and gorse grubbed; and fences repaired Improvements now on domain : Fences, sports-ground, tennis-court, dressingroom pavilion, and plantations. Used for football, sports, tennis, and picnics. Proposed operations' for ensuing year : Clearing gorse, briar, and blackberry, erecting fences, planting trees, and painting buildings. Waihora Pakk Domain. Reserve No. 2585, Block XIV, Halswell Survey District. Area, 200 acres. Work done during year: New artesian well sunk, tanks to hold 5,000 gallons procured, pond maintained, and conveniences and an addition to caretnker's house erected. Improvements now on domain: Fencing, planting, sports-ground, pavilions, water-supply, prates, walks, flower-garden, and caretaker's cottage. Used for general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance.