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Waiouru Domain. Section No. 15, Waiouru Township (Suburban). Area, 9 acres and 1 perch. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wellington. VVaikoa Domain. Runs Nos. 2, 3, and 4, Block XI, Wairoa Survey District. Area, 229 acres 2 roods. Work done during year: Erecting pump, repairing and renewing fencing, planting sandgrass, clearing shrubs and trees, and treating building and swing. Improvements now on domain: Building, swing, fencing, sand-grass, plantation, well, and pump. Used for sports, fishing, and picnics. Waitotara Domain. Sections Nos. 154 to 156, Town of Waitotara. Area, 3 roods. Improvements now on domain : Fences. Used as a paddock for school-children's horses. Waverley Domain. Part of Waverley Town Belt. Area, 126 acres 3 roods 9 perches. Work done during year: Fences painted and renewed, shrubs, plantations, and windmill attended to, and grass cut. Boring operations for artesian water were carried out, but were unsuccessful. Improvements now on domain : Buildings, fencing, bowling-green, four tennis-courts, two croquet-courts, windmill, three large tanks, and water-pipes laid on to bowling-green and tennis-courts. Used for tennis, bowls, cricket, football, and sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Painting buildings and fences, attending to shrubs, plantations, and water-service, renewing parts of fences, and cutting grass around trees.

NELSON LAND DISTRICT!. Aorere Caves Domain. Sections Nos. 13 and 14, Block VIII, Aorere Survey District. Area, 128 acres 1 rood 25 perches. Nil report furnished. Applebt Bridge Domain. Section No. 2, Block 11, Waimea Survey District. Area, 13 acres. Board appointed 18th November, 1909. Used for picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Protecting domain from damage by floods. Black water Domain. Section No. 14, Block XII, Mawhera-iti Survey' District. Area, 6 acres 3 roods. Work done during year : Stumping, clearing, and levelling of half an acre completed Improvements now on domain : Stumping, levelling, dealing, and draining. Used for football ■Ticket, picnics, sports, hockey, and races. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Clearing timber and levelling about an acre. ° Britannia Heights Domain. Parts of Sections Nos. 1 and 4, Suburbs of Nelson. Area, 11 acres 2 roods 24 perches. Improvements now on domain : Fence and plantation. Used for general recreation. Bdller Domain. Section No. 35, Block IV, Kawatiri Survey District. Area, 200 acres. Nil report furnished. Denniston Domain. Section No. 5, Block VI, Kawatiri Survey District. Area, ti acres. Work done during year: Drains cleaned, and topdressing and formation work done. Improvements now on domain : Dressing-shed and drain. Used for football, cricket, sports, and picnics Proposed operations for ensuing year: Completing formation and topdressing. Millerton Domain. Sections Nos. 142 and 263, Town of Millerton. Area, 9 acres 2 roods 36 perches. Work done during year: About 6,000 tons rock tipped, levelled off, topdressed, and sown in grass. Improvements now on domain: Filling-in, levelling, grassing, and road. Used for military manoeuvres, football, cricket, tennis, hockey, sports, and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further filling-in, levelling, and fencing. Motueka Domain. Section No. 193, Block 111, Motueka Survey District. Area, 50 acres. Leased for grazing. Improvements now on domain : Fences, plantations, and iron gate.