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Palmerston North Domain. Sections iNos. 215, 220, and part of 214, Kairanga Survey District. Area, 13 acres. The Board has drawn up a scheme oi' improvement tv cover four years' operations. During the year the work, consisted of leplaemg blanks in the lawsonianas, planting the portion previously fenced off, and fencing a further portion, ;tud planting shelter-trees. The domain has been again leased for a term of three years from the Ist January, 11)10. Improvements now on domain: Fencing and shelter-trees. Used for grazing. The .Board's scheme provided for the planting of trees during the ensuing year, but they are not sufficiently advanced tv admit of transplanting. Proposed operations for ensuing year: General maintenance. Parapakaumu Domain. Section No. sa, Block Vlli, Paraparaumu Suburban. Area, 5 acres. Work done during year: Pathway made from entrance-gate to tennis-courts, pavilion erected, concrete cricket-pitch laid down, and a horse-paddock fenced. The Board's funds have been supplemented by voluntary contributions. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, 2J acres levelled and grassed, gates, asphalt and grass tennis-courts, 10 chains drain, 6 chains pathway, pavilion, and concrete cricket-pitch. Used for cricket, football, sports, tennis, picnics, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Erecting seats in pavilion, and general maintenance. Pakkvillb Domain. Sections Nos. 182, 183, and 185, Suburbs of Parkville. Area, 36 acres 1 rood. Under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wellington. Improvements now on domain: Fencing, gates, planting, felling, and grassing. Used for grazing. It is proposed to lease the area. Pktonb Domain. Section No. 93, Block XIII, Belmont Survey District. Area, 13 acres and 13 perches. Work done during year : Lamps attended to, paths maintained, cleared, levelling operations carried out, and turnstiles and fencing erected. Improvements now on domain: Fiftyeight chains paths, bridge, 24 chains fencing, 6 chains roadway, and four lamps. Used as a promenade and as an easy means of access to Korokoro and Maungaraki Settlements. Proposed operations for ensuing year: General maintenance. PiPißiKi Domain. Sections Nos. 1, 2, and 10, Block IV, Town of Pipiriki. Area, 17 acres 3 roods 29 perches. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wellington. Pohangina Domain. Section No. 34, Town of Pohangina. Area, 10 acres. Work done during year: Four acres cultivated prior to sowing down in grass, and shelter and ornamental trees planted where others had failed. Improvements now on domain: Fences, plantation, and grassing. Used for grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Sowing down 4 acres now in cultivation with grass, and planting and fencing off trees. Pongakoa Domain. Section No. 12, Pongaroa Township. Area, 13 acres and 12 perches. Improvements now on domain : Fences, plantations, two buildings, ploughing, felling, and grassing. Used for sports, picnics, football, and cricket. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Levelling, and general improvements. Poukiore Domain. Section No. 35, Block XV, Tiriraukawa Survey District. Area, 17 acres 3 roods 8 perches. Work done during year: Dam made and fence repaired. Improvements now on domain: Fencing, grassing, plantation, and dam. Used for grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Logging up. Pukeokahu Domain. Section No. 17b, Block IX, Pukeokahu Survey District. Area, 6 acres 2 roods 35 perches. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Wellington. Queen's Park Domain. Portions of Reserves E and X, Town of Wanganui. Area, 15 acres 3 roods 22 perches. Improvements now on domain: Fences, plantation, band-rotunda, museum, band-room, and tennis and croquet courts. Used as a public park, and for band concerts, tennis, and croquet. Raetihi Domain. Sections Nos. 211 and 290, Town of Raetihi, and 251, Suburbs of Raetihi. Area, 17 acres 2 roods 39 perches. Work done during year : Conveniences erected. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, drains, £ acre ornamental trees, conveniences, ploughing, grassing, stumping, clearing, gates, and tennis-court. Used for sports, tennis, and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Stumping and clearing 1J acres.