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Papakura Domain. Section No. 19, Block VIII, Heretauuga Survey District. Area, 3i) acres 2 roods. Leased for grazing. Paxctahi Domain. Section No. 81, Block 1, Turanganui Survey District. Area, 01 acres and 22 perches. Work done during year : Conveniences erected and gates altered. Improvements now on domain : Fences, drains, 5 acres ornamental plantation fenced oti, grandstand, two sheds, conveniences, culverts, gates, gravelled approaches, well, windmill, pump, and water-troughs. Used for picnics, sports, church fetes, and grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance, and renewing fences. Paxutahi Town Domain. Sections Nos. 17 to 20, 24 to 30, 65 to 76, and 102 to 113, Town of Patutahi. Area, 8 acres 1 rood 16 perches. Work done during year: Hall, gale, and tank and stand erected; new steps formed to domainj gateway gravelled; fences and hail repaired; hedges trimmed; ana conveniences erected. Improvements now on domain : Fences, gate, hedges, trees, hall with piano, and conveniences. Used for sports, football, and hockey. The hall is used for public entertainments. Proposed operations lor ensuing year : Planting ornamental trees and making alterations to hall. The hall and piano were provided by public subscription. PuKETiTiiu Domain. Section No. 30, Block XIV, Pohui Survey District. Area, 11 acres 3 roods 16 perches. Leased on improvement conditions. Improvements now on domain : Boundary-fences and plantation. Te Arai Domain. Section No. 21, Block V, Turanganui Survey District, Te Arai Settlement. Area, 12 acres and 26 perches. Work done during year : Old fence removed and new one erected. The land was leased for cropping. Improvements now on domain : Twenty-two and a half chains fencing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Ploughing and laying down the domain in permanent pasture, erecting fences, and planting trees and shrubs. Tβ Auaroa Domain. Section No. 21, Te Araroa Township. Area, 10 acres. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. it is used for picnics. Tinikoto Domain. Sections Nos. 3, 1-t, and 15, Tiniroto Village. Area, 4 acres. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier. leased. Uawa Domain. Block 111, Town of Uawa. Area, 25 acres and 32 perches Work done during year: Trees planted and fencing erected. Improvements now on domain : Twenty chains fencing, gates, pavilion, trees, and 5 acres levelled, subsoiled, and grassed for a recreation-ground. Used for cricket, tennis, football, and grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Planting trees and improving football-ground. Victoria Domain. Section No. 42, Block X, Woodville Survey District. Area, 23 acres 3 roods 10 perches. Work done during year : Five or six acres ploughed, disced, harrowed, and laid down in grass; 16 chains fencing erected to protect plantation; 8 chains drain cleaned out; and new gates procured. The gates will be erected shortly. Used for sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Forming running-track and improving sports-ground. Weber Domain. Section No. 51, Block V, Weber Survey District. Area, 10 acres and 32 perches. A contract has been let for ploughing part of the domain. Leased. Whbtukura Domain. Section No. 35, Whetukura Village. Area, 8 acres 1 rood. Work done during year: Trees planted. Improvements now on domain: Fences, trees, and grassing. Leased. Woodville Domain. Section No. 78, Block VIII, Woodville Survey District. Area, 39 acrss 3 roods 19 perches. Work done during year : Planting, fencing, and draining. Improvements now on domain : Dwellinghouse, outbuildings, ploughing, stumping, draining, hedges, and plantation. NoL used by the public. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Fencing, stumping, ploughing, and clearing.