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Whakatane Domain. Sections Nos. 285 and 286, Waimana Parish. Area. II) acres 2 roods 18 perches. Work done during year: Plantation cleared of briars; new plantation of 2 acres prepared, planted, and fenced in; and two gates erected. Improvement* bow on domain : Fencing, grassing, levelling, and trees. Used for cricket. Football, tennis, and picnics. Proposed operations tor ensuing year : Erecting small pavilion, and installing water-supply. Whananaki Domain. Section No. 26, Block IX, Opuawhanga Survey District. Area, 28 acres 2 roods 32 perches. Improvements now on domain : House. . The fencing has been covered with drifting sand. Leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Planting marram-grass and other plants to check the drifting sand. Whangateao Domain. Section No. l.ili.v, Onialia Parish. Area, 15 acres and 20 perches. Work done during year : Fence repaired, two gates erected, and erection of conveniences commenced. Improvements now on domain: Hall, fences, gates, ploughing, grassing, draining, native bush, ornamental trees, tennis-courts, shed, and concrete cricket-pitch. Used for grazing, and for picnics, tenuis, cricket, football, and sports. Proposed operations For ensuing year: Completing erection of conveniences, and ploughing ."> acres. WhAKKiiK Domain. Section No, 7, Block 11. Waihi South Survey District. Area, 51 acres 2 roods. Work done during year: Twenty acres sown in grass and crop, and 24 chains boundary Fencing erected. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Erecting boundary-fencing, and planting and fencing in trees. Wma I M"aka Domain. Southern portion of Section No. 56, Waiau Parish. Araa, 123 acres 2 roods. This domain is in its natural state. Inim: , covered with fern and scrub. Whatatir] Domain. Section No. 7, Block XIV, Purua Survey District. Area, 16 acres 2 roods. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland. It is not used, and endeavour is being made to lease ii Proposed op,<rations for ensuing year: Clearing noxious weeds. HA.WKE'S HAY LAND DISTRICT. Aw am: i Domain. Section No. 6, Awanui Township. Ana, 1 acre* ami 28 perches. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Napier', leased. Clyde Domain. Suburban Sections Xos. 1, 5, 10, and 11, Town of Clyde. Area, B acres. Work done during year : Hedges trimmed and buildings repaired. Used for sports, leased. Dannevikke Domain. Suburban Section No. 12, Town of Dannevirke. Area, 40 acres. Work done during year : Stone fence completed, gates erected, others removed and re-erected, cottages repaired and hath installed, and conveniences on domain connected with sewage scheme. The caretaker has planted trees and kept the grounds in order. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, gates, caretaker's cottage, grandstand and dressing-sheds, plantations, and conveniences. Used for football, hockey, cricket, spots, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Erecting a hand-rotunda and keeping the grounds in order. Elsthorpk Domain. Section No. •"><>. Block VII, Oero Survey District. Area. I ■". acres 2 roods. Work done during year: Fencing erected. Improvements now on domain: Fencing and planting. Used for sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Tree-planting. Farndon Park Domain. Portion of Wakahu Block, Clive Survey District. Area, 20 acres. Work done during year: Small jetty built. Improvements now on domain: Fences, trees, pavilion, rustic seats, conveniences, horse-yards, and jetty. I'sed for picnics, sports, regattas, and military encampments

3—C. 10.