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Takapuna Domain. Section No. 250, Takapuna Parish. Area, 180 acres 2 roods. The domain commands a fine view of Hauraki Gulf, and is visited by camping parties. The Takapuna tramways now being constructed will bring it within easier reach of the public. Taneatua Domain. Section No. 11, Block IX, Whakatane .Survey District. Area, 10 acres. Leased on improvement conditions. Improvements now on domain : Fences, gates, barberry hedge, and grassing. The high river-bank has been sloped down, and trater-holes filled in. Heed for football, cricket, tennis, and general recreation. Tangihoa Domain. Section No. 33, Block 11, Survey District. Area, 65 acres. Leased for grazing on improvement conditions. Improvements now on domain : Twenty-five acres grassing, draining, and fencing. Used for grazing. Tauhoa Domain. Sections Nos. 145, 146, and 148, Tauhoa Parish, and 2a and 10b, Otainatea Survey District. Area, 111 acres 3 roods 30 perches. Work done during year : Ploughing and grassing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, ploughing, and grassing. Used for tennis. Leased on improvement conditions. Taupiri Domain. Sections Nos. 78 to 87, Town of Taupiri. Area, 1 acres 2 roods 37 perches. Work done during year : Fences repaired, grounds kept in order, and noxious weeds kept down. Taupiri Mountain Domaik. Section No. 481, Parish of Taupiri. Area, 162 acres 2 roods. Nil report furnished. Taupo Domain. Sections Noe. 2 and 4, Block 11, Tauhara Survey District, and part of the area in Taupo Town ship known as Taupo Recreation-ground. Area, 27 acres and 26 perches. Work done during year : Flower-beds attended to, lawn kept in order, bath repaired, and dividing-fence erected, half cost of which was paid by the Board. Improvements now on domain: Wire-netting fence, barberry hedge, toolhouse, three tanks of 400 gallons each, windmill with necessary pipes, horse-trough, tennis-lawn, bowling-green, two baths and buildings, flower-beds and shrubs. Used for general recreation, croquet, and bowls. Visited by tourists. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Placing new roof on bath-house, repairing baths, forming new paths and flower-beds, and topdressing lawn. Tauranga Domain. Allotments Nos. 273 and 393 of Section No. 1, Town of Tauranga. Area, 15 acres 3 roods 21 peiches. Work done during year : Fences kept in order, flowers and trees planted, and general maintenance. Improvements now on domain: Band-rotunda, shed, and pavilion. Used for cricket, golf, tennis, and football. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Trimming hedges, eradicating noxious weeds, repairing fences, and forming track for Fool races. Tauranqa Racecourse Domain. Section Nos. 22, 23, 24, and 25, Te Papa Parish. Area, 200 acres. Work done during year: Saddling-paddock fenced, and racecourse cleared. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, racecourse, saddling-paddock, grandstand, and plantations. Used for races and Volunteer manoeuvres. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further improvement to saddling-paddock, repairing stewards' stand, and clearing around plantation. Tβ Aroha Bridge Domain. Sections Nos. 3, Block XVI; 2, Block XXI; Blocks XXII and XXIII; and Section 2, Block XXIV, Town of Te Aroha. Area, 8 acres and 6 perches. Work done during year: Fences repaired. The Engineer's report on the scheme for im proving the domain was adopted. Improvements now on domain: Fencing. Used for picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Draining low-lying area, and to proceed as far as posßililr with the Engineer's scheme for improving the domain. Te Awamutu Domain. Sections Nos. 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 81, 149, and 150, Town of Te Awamutu. Area, 18 acres 3 roods. Work done during year : Boundary drain cleaned and deepened, and pipes inserted. Improvements now on domain : Boundary-fence, 10 chains drains, ami plantation. Leased.