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Onehunga Domain. Allotment No. 14 of Section No. 36, Town of Onehunga. Area, 5 acres 1 rood 31 perches. Improvements now on domain : Paths, plantation, and hedges. Used for picnics. One-tree Hill Domain. Allotments Nos. 64 and part of 11 of Section No. 12, Suburbs of Auckland. Area, 121 acres and 28 perches. Work done during year: New seats, swings, maypole, and fence erected, ornamental fence from summit of hill put up, all fences painted, and domain generally maintained. Improvements now on domain : fencing, draining, caretaker's lodge, plantations, avenues of trees, swings, seats, maypole, conveniences, water-supply, cricket-pitches, golf-links, and drives. Used for sports, golf, cricket, picnics, drives, and basket-ball. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erecting shelter-shed in secluded spot near top of hill. Opaheke Domain. Allotment No. 132 of Section No. 2, Opaheke Parish. Area, 16 acres 2 roods 6 perches. Leased. Improvements now on domain: Fencing and grassing. Used for general recreation. Opotiki Domain. Allotments Nos. 12, 13, and 28, 168 to 177, and 207 to 216, of Section No. 1; and 84, 85, 86, 130, 131, and 132 of Section No. 2, Town of Opotiki. Area, 11 acres 3 roods. Work done during year : General maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Fences, trees, and cricket pavilion. Used for cricket, sports, and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Planting trees. Opotiki and Waioeka Domain. Sections Nos. 82, 83, 84, 85, and 333, Waioeka Parish. Area, 299 acres 1 rood. Work done during year : Fencing erected, underground drains formed and old drains reopened, new iron gates with concrete posts erected, and grandstand and other buildings painted and kept in good order and repair. Improvements now on domain: Fences, hedges, drains, grandstand, ladies' room, judge's box, saddling-paddock, plantations, permanent racecourse laid out and surrounded with handrail, and willow protective works. Used for races, sports, and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Sowing about 8 acres in grass and clover, and further draining. OituAMO Domain. Section No. 218, Takapuua Parish. Area, 5 acres 2 roods 7 perches. Improvements now on domain: Fencing, grassing, and ploughing. The domain is under the special care of the member for the Birkenhead Riding. Used for picnics, sports, and general recreation. Oruawharo Domain. Section No. 40a, Parish of Oruawharo. Area, 54 acres. Nil report furnished. Otahdhu Domain. Suburban Section No. 19, Town of Otahuhu. Area, 5 acres. Work done during year : (irass dressed with artificial manure. Improvements now on domain : Fences and hedges, leased. Otau Domain. Allotments Nos. 14, 31 to 36, and 41 to 43 of Section No*. 1, and 26, 28, 31, and 32 of Section No. 2, Village of Otau. Area, 2 acres and 15 perches. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland. Not used. Endeavour has been made to lease the area, but without success. Otohohanga Domain. Section No. 8, Block IV, Orahiri Survey District. Area, 37 acres 3 roods 23 perches. Work done during year : Whole area surveyed, 12 acres cleared of gorse, and 3J acres of this stumped and ploughed, and the balance drained. Improvements now on domain: Clearing, stumping, draining, and ploughing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Completing draining ; erecting 31 chains fencing; logging, stumping, and ploughing 7 acres, and sowing down 12 acres in grass. Paengaroa Domain. Section No. 14, Village of Paengaroa. Area, 6 acres 1 rood 27 perches. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Auckland. leased. The lessee is required to keep down noxious weeds.