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Pukearuhe. —Sections Nos. 1 to 6, 13 to 15, and 25 to 30, Townehip of Pukearuhe, and 2 and 9, I'ukearuhe Town Belt. Area, 28 acres .' r Is. Waitara. —Block Xi>. 115, Town of Waitara. Area, I ."> acres. Warea.- Sections Nos. 71, Mock VIII, Cape Survey District, and 13 and 110, Warea Village. Area, •">! aoree 3 roods 28 perches. Wellington Land District, Otaki. -Pari of Saruatai No. II Block, Block IX. Waitohu Survey Dietriot. Ana. 6 acres and 17 perches. (Board appointed 18th October, 1909.) Wanganui River Trust. —Situ sit»*«l on the banks of the Wanganui River. Area, •'!•">.o:s:; acres. Westland Land Distkiot. Moan a. Section No. 954, Block IV, Brunner Survey District. Area, 8 acres I rood l<) perches. Nelson Creek.—Section No. 25, Block VIII, Mawheranui Survey District. Area, I!) acres 3 roods perches. Okarito. —Reserve No. 201, Block 11, Okarito Survey District. Area, 140 acres. Canterbury Land District. Darfield.—Reserve No. 2(>.'55, Hawkins Survey District. Area, l<) acres. Highbank. —Reserve No. 3198, Block 11, Corwar Survey District. Area, l<) acres. Kimberley. —Reserve No. L 566, Block 111, Hawkins Survey District. Ana, 14 acres. Okain's Bay. —Reserves Nos. 37->4: and 3753, Block IV. Okain's Survey District. Area. l(i acres. Opawa. —Sections Nos. 155 to 177, Town of Opawa. Area. 7 acres I rood 18 perches. Pleasant Point.— Reserve No 1580, Pareora Survey District. Area, 66 acres 3 roods 34 perches. South Malvern.- Section No. 1388, Block VII, Horornta Survey District. Area, "22 acres 3 roods. Timaru. —Part of Reserve N T o. 102, Suburbs of Timaru. Area. 8 acres 1 rood 18 perches. Otago Land Disttuct. Alexandra. Sections Noh. 1 to 2.H, Block XI, and Ito '22, Block XII, Town of Alexandra. Area, 10 acres 2 roods 5 perches. Alexandra Town Belt.—The Town Belt, Town of Alexandra. Area, 160 acres 2 roods 17 perches. Kelso. Sections Xos. 13 to 17, Block 111, Town of Kelso. Area, I I acres -' roods 1.5 perches. Southland Land District. Rapp\ Valley. Section No. 7. Block [11, Waikaia Survey District. Area. .").") acres 2 muds. Waikaia. Block [V-, Town of Waikaia. Area. 5 acres 2 roods. To assist Domain Boards in framing by-laws, and to insure as far as possible uniformity, a set of model by-laws has been prepared, and will be furnished to Boards on application. Appointments to new Boards and to vacancies caused by death, resignation, and other causes, numbering -'b' - 2. were made during the year, and eleven domains were placed under the control of local authorities. I am, &c, William C. Kensington, Under-Secret a rv. for Lauds.

AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT. Ahihau DAmain. Section No. 17, Block V, Sarataunga Survey District. Area, Hi acres 2 roods. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner <it' Crown Lands. Auckland, ami is leased iii) a year-to-year tenancy. Improvements mm on domain: Grassing. Used for grazing. Aratapv Domain. Section No. 12, Kopuru Parish. Area, II acres I rood c> perohes. [.eased. The Board proposes to do good work during the ensuing year. Arawa Park Domain. Section Xo. 23, Rotorua Rural Sections. Area, 46 acres 3 roods 17 perches During the year the domain was further improved by the jockey and football clubs. It hns been decided to lease the area for grazing purposes.