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Ca —3A


Statistics of Workings in Coal-mines, 1909— continued.

Name ot Mine and Locality.. Name of Manager. as r 5•a I I ID o a a CD CD 3 1 a a s o a Sob si a ED 'o Dimensions of Shafts. Depth of Size of Shaft ! Shaft or or Length Adit. of Adit. 3 O Output for 1909. Coal. Slack. Total. II! a 1 Sal W Number of Men ordinarily employed. l|l'« •03 I! 9 Pumps. ! § O s 3 Jm 1 South Otago. Fernhill, Abbotsford .. Gray, James SOUTHERN INS! PECTICHS DISTI ;ICT— con tinned. 1 in 10 bord and 1 pillar 1 in 7 ditto 3 4f'x44' 6' x6' 5'x4' 6' x 5' 7'x7' 50' 10 ch. 150' 1,400' 264' level Tons. 236 Tons. Tons. 1,082 1,318 1,990 21,380 Tons. 146,909 Tons. 148,227 4 10 horse □atural 31/8/09 39 brown 10' all 4 10 • 2<J 7' to 14' dip incline drive adit l'J,39O 384,730 406,110; 36 k; 44 steam & horse 44 furnace 28/10/09 Freeman's, Abbotsford .. Gillanders, A. S. m m Green Island, Green Island .. Barclay, jun., T. Jubilee, Saddle Hill .. Barclay, T. 12 1 l 14' 17' 10' all 1 in 10 1 in 10 „ 8 2 4'x3' 6' x5' 6'x4' 5' 10" x 4'6" 150' 20 ch. 6 ch. 100' 10 ch. 1,981 15,677 l,98li 4,595 2O,272| 110,493 148,992 112,474, 169,264' ■2 5 3 ■22 3 3 5 steam 27 steam & horse 5 ditto 1 o 5 27 Ta ngy e natural furnace 26/10/09 27/10/09 m • • Burnweil, Saddle Hill .. Harris, A. Saddle Hill (No. 1), Saddle Ogilvie, W. W. .. Hill Saddle Hill (No. 2), Saddle Hill, Robert Hill Laui'iston, Brighton .. Walker, James R. (permit) Brighton, Brighton .. McColl.D. L. (permit) Perndale, Taieri Beach .. Fairbairn, S. H. .. Waronui, Milton .. .. Carrutbers, J. .. 28 37 if i 20' 20' 10' to 15' all 1 in 9 „ 1 1 in 10 „ 4 l 4 tunnel inclined drive adit 2,291 3,036 2,291 4,631 7,667 65,525 176,981 67,816 184,648 2 3 3 5 IS natural furnace 26/10/09 30/12/09 m 13 . 8 it 22' 10' 1 in 14 . 1 4,732 12,24o| 16,972 104,015 120,987 10 22 12 32 . 32 fan 2/11/09 23 6' 5'6" variable . 1 48' tunnel 195 195 7,35o| 7,545 1 1 2 horse natural 29/10/09 21 ■> tjt all 1 in 20 . 1 1' x 3' 30' x 4' 10' x 8' 6'x6' 48' 154 154 2,674 2,828 1 1 2 hand m 29/10/09 26 5 1 1 10' 14' 8' 7' Iin7 ". 1 1 100' 40 ch. 12 ch. level ■ 88 13,125 88 3,034 16,159 857 40,050 945 50,209 is A 1 1 38 steam & horse hand m furnace 7/12/09 Wallsend, Lovell's Flat .. Hewitson, R. (permit) Benhar, Stirling .. .. Murdock, C. (permit) Mount Wallace, Stirling .. Park, F. (permit) Taratu, Taratu .. .. Shore, T. ■ 89 lignite 20' all open .. open ! 665 3,823 11,539 11,539 8/12/09 "I •• 46 1 20' 12' bord and .. pillar ditto .. 1 in 10 . 2 4'x4' 6'x6' 12'xl2' 6' x 4' 13' 6" x 5' 2" 10' x V 8' x 4' 6" Il'x6'6" 9' diam. 50' 5 eh. 4 ch. 185' 200' incline 3,158 121,887 125, 710; 1 i 4 5 steam natural 8/12/09 15 8 brown l 1 20' 20' 12' 8' to 12' 2 adit shaft 633 10,435 638 5,173 15,608 8,055 108,759 8,688 124,367 14 1 31 1 11 1 horse i~) steam "Ta •• ngy e fan 8/12/09 23/12/09 Kaitangata .. 1 Carson, W. (N.Z. Coal and Oil Co., Castle Hill, Kaitangata [j Ltd., O.G.Lock- ) hart, sec.) Port Arthur, Kaitangata .. Penman, R. (permit) Hawthorn Den, Kaitangata.. Espie, T. (permit) Longridge, Kaitaugata .. Maokie, N. (per1 mit) 33 16 5 * H 50' in aggregate 50' in aggregate 10' all . I 1 in 14 . 2 to 1 in 4 Tin li . 1 to 1 in 4 51 ch. 580' 45 ch. 526' 66' in clined it level 181293 46,509 127,732J! 221| 2,312,680 t 181 2,440,412 402: G2 265; .5 I steam &com327 - pressed air 1 ditto 1 hand 2'6" thre ditto 6" e-th ump 6" 280' row a 500' * furnace natural 9/12/09 16/10/09 24/6/09 . .. 221, 1 1 m i 9' - open .. bord and .. pillar 100' open adit 116 91 116 91 " 116 91 1 S 1 8 •• 23/6/09 6/12/09 . .. • • .. • • ■ • natural