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Boghead Coal-fit, Mataura (('. P. Sleeman and Co., owners; C. P. Sleeman, jun., permit).— (11/12/09): Pit in good working-order; stripping kept well ahead. Powder-magazine approved. Rules posted ; report-book kept. Waimumu Coal-pit, Waimumu (George \V. Williams, owner: .1. Wallace, permit).—(s/11/()'.)): Pillar-extraction is almost completed, and preparations are in hand for new mine to westward of the area worked for several years past. So far operations have been safely conducted, no accidents having been recorded. Rules posted ; report-book kept. Clarke's Coal-pit, Wyndha/m (Samuel Clarke, owner). —(4/11/09): An opencast pit in g I workingorder; stripping kept well in advance of working-face. Seam, about 12 ft. in thickness, all worked by being benched out in lifts or layers by the aid of blasting-powder. A special visii was paid on account o| accident lo William Nolan on the 2nd November —injuries to face, eves, and right hand— caused by a charge of blasting-powder exploding while Nolan was apparently engaged tamping a shot. Nolan. who was working alone, subsequently declared thai lie was unable to account for the explosion. Robin Hood Coal-fit, Pine Hush (Jessie Couser, owner: William Couser, permit).—(lo 9 i>'.•): An opencast lignite-pit, not being worked at present, but is in an unworkmanlike condition, and apparently insufficient attention had been paid to stripping in advance prior to cessation of work last season. Seam, 14 ft. ; stripping, about 8 ft. Te Anau Coal-pit, Upukarora, Te Anau Downs (Tourist and Health Resorts Department, owner; Captain Don , , agent, Manapouri). —During the year 188 tons of coal was obtained for use l>v the Tourist Department. Beer's ('mil-pit, The Key (Mrs. T. Beer, lessee ; A. E. J. Beer, manager). —During the year 113 tons of coal was obtained for local requirements. Nightcaps Colliery, Nightcaps (Nightcaps Coal Company (Limited), owners; William Handyside, managing director, Mnvercargill ; W. Barclay, mine-manager). —(10/12/09): No. 1 district:. Work continues as heretofore, consisting mainly of extraction of pillars and head coal, with roadways and airways constructed to suit. Stoppings in against the waste are substantial and carefully attended to daily. This day the workmen wore withdrawn on account of an inrush of water from the fault, which. however, rapidly ceased, and work was resumed. Adequate ventilation usually maintained. It was found, however, on several occasions that smoke from blasting hung in the pillar places, necessitating increased speed of fan and attention to air-stoppings. No. 2 district ; Ventilation good. Pillars being drawn and head coal robbed to advantage. Opencast workings in good order and a large area is kept stripped in advance of working-1 ace. Generally work has been safely conducted, there having been freedom from serious accident. Plant and appliances are maintained in good working-order, and an abundant supply of mining-timber is kept on the premises for use as required. A new air-compressing plant is about to be installed to replace steam for haulage and pumping, which, when completed, should have the effect of lowering the temperature of the workings in No. 1 district by several degrees. Rules posted ; plan kept; and all report-books to date. Wairaki (late Hit or Miss) Coal-mine, Nightcaps (John Lloyd, lessee and manager).—(2o/10/0!)) : A new entrance has been made into the leasehold, also new loading-bank erected. Work continuing in development to boundary anil preparing for extraction of pillars homeward. Ventilation good, and mine safely worked. Seam, 6 ft., all worked on bord-and-pillar system. Some prospecting by shaft - sinking resulted in the discover}- of a good seam of coal at a depth of 40 ft. Rules posted ; reportbook and plan kept. //. H. Coal-mine, Nightcaps (G. R. Spcnce, permit, lessee). —(20/10/09): Withdrawing the remainder of pillars, which are expected to be exhausted towards the end of the year.. Stripping is being conducted on another part of the property, the intention being to work the balance of seam toward outcrop by the opencast system. .\cw Brighton Coal-mine, Wairio, Nightcaps (D. McKenzie and Co., owners ; D. McKenzie, permit, manager).—(2s/8/09): Crown lands. Eight men employed. Seam, 20ft., worked partly opencast and partly underground. Workings kept in a safe and workmanlike manner. Powder-magazine approved for storage of six cases (each 25 11>.) of blasting-powder. Report-book kept ; rules posted. Beaumont Coal-mine, Nightcaps (Moss Bros., lessees; W. Moss, permit). —(25/8/09): Crown lands. Opencast pit. Three men. Seam, 20 ft., and stripping (i ft. to 8 ft. The overburden is not being kept as well ahead as consistent with safety to workmen, of which I warned the permit-holder ; also. 6 ft. of'coal is being left to waste on the pit-bottom. Powder-magazine approved for storage of one case (25 lb.) of blasting-powder. Report-book kept. Bush Siding Coal-pit, Seaward Bush (F. R. Bowden, permit, manager).—(ll/8/09) : Opencast pit. Lifting bottoms. Seam 32 ft., stripping 10 ft. to 12 ft. of gravel. Pit in fair working-order. The bush-fire which passed through the Seaward Bush last summer set fire to the coal in pit. which had to be flooded to extinguish the burning seam. Coal conveyed to Asher's Siding by iron-rail tramway three-quarters of a mile in length. Coal-miners' Relief Fund. The contributions by coal-owners to the Coal-miners' Relief Fund amounted to £435 lls. <>d.. while payments from the fund to the amount of £312 (is. 9d. have been recommended on account of accidents which have occurred in and about coal-mines in the district during the year. Othek Minerals. Tom Fireclay and pipeclay (Canterbury and Otago) .. .. .. s.,s2<> Sand (Green [eland Coalfield) .. .. .. .. .. 21.7n2 Mail (Burnside) .. .. . .. .. .. .. 7,750 Lime (Milburn and Dunback) .. .. .. .. ... 17,485 Phosphate (Clarendon, Otago) .. .. . . . . . . 10,000