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Tamaiti Gold-mining Company, Tuapeka. —The operations'of thejcompany were not attended with success, and the claim|lias been let on tribute to Messrs. Murie and Wakefield. The plant is in good working-order, but the gradual silting-up of the dam has raised a problem which must soon be faced. No provision was made, when the wall of the dam was erected, to clear out the silt which was certain to accumulate. Waipori. Bakery Flat Hydraulic Sluicing and Elevating Company, Upper Waipori (John T. Johnston, manager).—The manager was successful during the year in operating on the deep lead, and a considerable portion of this interesting lead was profitably worked. The successful issue of this company's prospecting operations induced the Waipori Consolidated Dredging Company to have their claims tested by means of the Keystone borer. It is to be regretted that, while the ground was found to be very deep—over 100 ft. in one.hole —none of the bores located any trace of payable wash, and the work was discontinued. Island Block. It is interesting to record that, whilst the actual mining operations of the Island Block and Golden Run companies were not latterly attended with success, subsequent boring by means of the Keystone boring-machine has proved the existence of highly payable wash in the Golden Run claim. This dredge is driven by water-power, and it is now proposed to put the dredge in working-order again. The wash was proved by boring to be fully 90 ft. in depth from the surface. Dumbarton. Anderson's Flat. —Mr. John Ewing has carried out extensive boring operations on this flat on behalf of a Dunedin syndicate. The Keystone drilling-machine is still at work on the property, which is being thoroughly tested. Bald Hill Flat. Last Chance Mining Company. —Sluicing operations have been continued during the year. The company increased their water-holding by the purchase of Mr. Pierce Carroll's water-rights. Upper Taieri River. Reid's Sluicing Claim, Upper Taieri. —The Lammerlaw Sluicing Company was formed in Dunedin to take over the above claim and bring in a suitable water-supply to work it. A race is now being cut in from the upper branches of the Taieri River, and the claim should be in working-order next season. The company holds a good water-supply which commands an extensive tract of auriferous gravels. Cardrona. Criffel Lead Sluicing Company (Limited). —This claim proved even more difficult to work than was anticipated, and the operations were not successful. A start has been made to open out at another point, where it is hoped that the overburden will not be so troublesome. Branch. Creek Hydraulic Sluicing Company. —This company had an almost meteoric existence. About £5,000 was expended in race-construction and in laying down the plant. When operations were begun, the particular ground worked was not payable, and in a short time the mine was closed down. Luggate. Luggate Creek Sluicing Claim, Luggate (W. Robertson, manager). —The water-race was completed and the plant installed during the year. Sluicing operations have been commenced, and lam pleased to state that there is every appearance that the work will be successful. Arrow River. Arrow Falls Sluicing Company. —The operations of this company have been progressive and successful. The ground has proved to be very rich in places. There is a large extent of ground ahead. Shotover. Oxenbridge Bros.' Claim.— This party set themselves the gigantic task of cutting a tunnel 550 ft. in length to divert the Shotover River. The tunnel was broken through a short time ago, and, as the river was very low, all the water passed through it. A substantial wall was built across the bed of the river, but a severe flood found out the weak places and destroyed the wall. I regret to report that this magnificent effort has not been crowned with success. It is now recognised that the tunnel is not suitable to take the whole flow of the river. The estimated cost of widening the tunnel 2 ft. and taking up about 2 ft. of the bottom is £2,000. Before going to much more expense a shaft is being sunk in order to drive under the river and test the bottom wash. This is a work requiring great care, and I have directed the attention of the party to the special precautions necessary. Collins's Blue Jacket Sluicing Claim (John Ramsay, manager).—This property has been purchased by Mr. J. Patterson, of Waikaka. The water-races have been considerably improved, and more constant work will be carried on. Southland. Nevis. The various sluicing claims in this and the Upper Nevis district continued to work as usual. This is now an active sluicing centre.