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the reef should it live down. From the several works in progress 4,851 tons of ore was produced, which yielded 7,135 oz. 2 dwt. gold, valued at £28,926 17s. 6d., or an average value of £5 19s. 3d. per ton. At the cyanide plant J,700 tons of tailings was treated for a return of bullion valued at £1,708 6s. 6d., or £1 Os. Id. per ton. The concentrates saved amounted to 28 tons 14 cwt. 3 qr., and gave a return of £606 2s. Extensive alterations and repairs were effected to the winding plant. At the battery a second Wilfley concentrator was installed. During the coming year it is intended to sink the shaft a further 200 ft. for another level. The temperature of the workings at No. 9 level. 1,375 ft. from brace, taken at 3 p.m. gaye —dry-bulb reading, 6i° ; wet ditto, 58° : in the shade at surface —dry-bulb reading, 61°. An average of forty men were employed. St. George Extended Syndicate. —This syndicate has taken up the old St. George and Matthias claims in the Big River district. Since commencing operations a considerable amount of driving and surface prospecting has been carried out. Several reef-formations have been located which show prospects sufficiently encouraging to warrant further development. An average of four men were employed. Big River South Syndicate. —Operations were commenced on a surface outcrop of stone. Two winzes were sunk, the stone cutting out at 50 ft. The most northerly winze was continued to a depth of 102 ft., when a crosscut was driven to the hanging-wall, revealing 12 ft. of reef-format ion carrying bands of gold-bearing stone. At this stage a large flow of water was tapped, and work was suspended. The south winze was sunk 50 ft., and a crosscut driven into the hanging-wall 27 ft. without cutting anything of value. An average of five men were employed. Kirwan and Heslop. —This party has been prospecting in the Big River district. Reefs were found, but none carrying payable values. A subsidy of £26 was granted towards this work. Blackwater. The Blackwater Mines (Limited). —During the year a large amount of development-work has been carried out, the total footages amounting to 2,444 ft, of driving and crosscutting and 914 ft. of sinking and rising. At No. 1 level the chamber was formed and the crosscut extended 176 ft. to the reef, which was driven upon 388 ft. north and 157 ft, south. The No. 2 (Joker) level was driven 558 ft. north on a continuous run of stone of an average width of 28 in. A lay-by 100 ft. in length was formed at the end of this drive to facilitate the handling of full and empty trucks. At a point 170 ft. south of the crosscut a rise was put through to No. 1 level, which will ultimately be continued to connect with No. 5 prospecting-winze. A rise was put up at 605 ft. south of the crosscut, which will be carried to a height of 203 ft. and connection made with No. 6 prospecting-winze. At 160 ft. north of crosscut a rise was put up and connected with the bottom of the deep prospecting-winze. In No. 3 level the south drive was extended 285 ft., and at 85 ft, from the crosscut a connection was made with the Joker level by a rise. The north drive at this level has been advanced 731 ft. from the crosscut, practically the whole of the way on stone. At 163 ft. and 345 ft. north rises were put through to the Joker level. Through communication to the surface has been effected and good ventilation secured. All workings are securely timbered and proper attention is paid to filling the stopes. At the battery crushing operations commenced in August, and up to the end of the year 9,169 tons of ore was treated for a return of 4;247 oz. 18 dwt, bullion, valued at £16,552 ss. 4d. The coarser sands were cyanided, and yielded bullion valued at £1,094 19s. 2d. A plant is in course of erection for treating slimes. The water-race has given very little trouble, but during prolonged spells of dry weather the creek falls very rapidly, and a small race is being cut which will provide a little additional power. A sawmill has been erected in close proximity to the shaft, and both at the mine and battery a large amount of building has been done to provide accommodation for the workers. An average of 180 men were employed. Blackwater Miners' Association. —A subsidy of £100 was granted to assist in prospecting the country in the Blackwater and Snowy River districts. Three parties, each comprising two men, are engaged in the work. No discovery of importance has yet been reported. Fry's Prospecting Area. —In addition to surface prospecting, 90ft. of driving and crosscutting has been done, which failed to locate anything payable. Prohibition Claim. —A Westport syndicate is conducting prospecting-work on this claim under Mr. Sidney Fry's supervision. Although £1,000 has been spent in driving and sinking, nothing of a payable nature has been discovered. A contract has been let to drive a low-level tunnel from Coorang Creek for the purpose of intersecting the Snowy and Birthday lines of reefs. An average of four men were employed. Paparoa. Taffy. —Curtis and party, owners of this claim, have been engaged in trenching and driving on a large reef-formation with payable results. Three hundred and twenty tons of ore was treated for a return of 110 oz. 19 dwt, of gold, valued at £442 17s. 6d. At the battery a new Pelton wheel is being installed, and the water-race replaced by one at a higher level. An average of four men were employed. Minerva. —At this mine the surface plant and water-race is being repaired with the view of renewing prospecting operations from the shaft. Upper Moonlight. —A subsidy of £100 at the rate of £1 for £1 was granted to R. Mitchell towards the cost of extending his prospecting-tumiel. Forty-five feet has been driven. Westland. Wilberforce Reefs. —The only work of importance in progress on this field is being carried out on Baucke and Fiddes's claim, where a tunnel is being driven on the reef from the north side of Grave Creek. This tunnel when extended 500 ft. will give 250 ft. of backs on the reef, and determine the existence or otherwise of payable values to that depth. Four men are employed.