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Coromandel. Four-in-Hand. This mine is owned by Holgate and Allison. Work has been confined to sinking a winze below the intermediate level and stoping a block on a small leader south of this winze. Good picked stone was obtained, and it is the intention of the owners during the present year to resume work at the lower level. Royal Oak. Th operations in this mine have been more of a prospecting character, but recently the directors decided to explore the reef east of what is known as the " hard bar." The prospects met with are encou aging, and good picked stone has been obtained. Fifteen men were employed, and 4J tons of ore and|42o lb. of picked stone were treated for a return of 374 oz. 10 dwt., valued at £979 10s. Tokatea Mine. An average of five men have been, constantly employed prospecting on small leaders, but the results up to the present hate not proved satisfactory. Monte Christo Mine. The Day Dawn reef was intersected in the low level during the year, but no gold was seen. Risingis now in progress to prove how far the gold met with in the upper levels comes down. Four men have been employed. Kapanga Mine. The work at this company's mine during the past year has been confined to pumping operations and tributing. The existing company is a reconstruction of the old Kapanga Gold-mining Company, and it s proposed to free the mine of water and resume work at a depth on gold-bearing lodes known to exist there, and which were being operated on when the English company ceased to develop same. South Kapanga. A considerable amount of work has been done during the year in this mine—32o ft, of rising and driving at the low level, and also a large amount of surface prospecting. Although the mine is situated in a good locality, nothing of value has been discovered. Success Mine. This mine is owned by Messrs. R. Chase Morris and Co., Wellington, and some rich gold has been obtained in small leaders. The prospects at the time of my recent visit were favourable. Five tons of ore and 5 lb. of picked stone were treated for 75 oz. 14 dwt., valued at £205 Os. 9d. Two men were employed. Hauraki Freehold. During the early part of the year the unwatering and drainage of the mine was taken in hand by a small party of men who had the mine on tribute, but the tribute was subsequently surrendered. Twelve loads of ore was crushed for a return of 12 oz. 4 dwt., valued at £29 4s. The mine has again been let on tribute, and operations are confined to the surface portion of the Hauraki North section, with payable results. Old Hauraki. A considerable amount of work has been done in this mine during the year, consisting of cleaning up and repairing levels from 400 ft. upwards, with a view to developing the different lodes worked with good results in those levels. At different points picked stone has been met with, but not in sufficient quantities to reimburse the shareholders. Sixteen men were employed, and 229 tons of ore was treated for 265 oz., valued at £788 ss. 6d. Golden Pah. Five men have been employed by this company during the year, but operations have been confined to the surface portion. Seven tons of ore and 6 lb. picked stone were treated for 17 oz. 6 dwt. of gold, valued at £52 lis. This claim is situated on the foreshore of Coromandel Harbour, at Preece's Point. Fair prospects were met with on the surface, and a shaft was sunk to a depth of 60 ft. and a suction-gas engine was erected to drive a pump, but although a considerable amount of driving was done nothing of importance was met with. Work is now confined to the surface portion, driving on the Golden Shore reef. An average of six men have been employed. Coromandel Mines (Limited). In July last operations were started on this claim, situated at Pukewhau Tiki, and three levels have been opened up. The lode varies from 1 ft, to 3 ft. in width, and is composed of highly mineralised ore. Five men were employed.