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Report brought up on the 22nd December, WOO, and ordered to be printed.

ORDER OP REFERENCE. Extract from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Monday, the 20th Day of December, 1909. Ordered, " That a Committee, consisting of twelve members, bo appointed, to whom shall be referred the Tramways Amendment Bill s three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Arnold, Mr. Q. M. Thomson, Mr. Davey, Mr. Luke, Mr. Hordman, Mr. Poole, Mr. Glover, Mr. Colvin, Mr. Brown, Mr. Lang, Mr. Hogan, and the mover. The Committee to have power to call for persons and papers, and to report not later than 5.30 p.m. on Wednesday next." —(Hon. Mr. R. McKenzie.)

EEPOET. The Tramways Amendment Bill. The Committee to whom was referred the Tramways Amendment Bill have the honour to report that they have carefully considered the same, and recommend that it be allowed to proceed with the amendments shown on the attached copy. 22nd December, 1909. J. F. Arnold, Chairman. MINUTES OF EVIDENCE. Tuesday, 21 st December, 1909. Mr. M. Myers: Mr. Chairman,—Might Ibe permitted to say a word at this stage? I represent, as I think you know, the Auckland Electric Tramways Company (Limited). I am here as the company's counsel, but the position I am placed in is this: The Bill, as you know, has just come before the House in the dying hours of the session ; the Auckland Electric Tramways Company lias expended something like three-quarters of a million of money, in reliance upon the Orders * in Council, which it has obtained for the construction of its tramways; only yesterday a deputation waited upon the Hon. the Minister, and the Minister then said that he would proceed with the second reading of the Bill, and then have the whole matter referred to a Select Committee; the Select Committee meets to-day—the day after. Now, sir, very important questions are raised by this Bill, and I feel that I am not in a position at a day's notice, or even at two days' notice, to 1 I. 8,

The Tramways Amendment Bill. The Committee to whom was referred the Tramways Amendment Bill have the honour to report that they have carefully considered the same, and recommend that it be allowed to proceed with the amendments shown on the attached copy. 22nd December, 1909. J. F. Arnold, Chairman.


Tuesday, 21st December, 1909. Mr. M. Myers: Mr. Chairman, —Might 1 b<: permitted to say a word at this stage? I represent, as I think you know, the Auckland Electric Tramways Company (Limited). I am here as the company's counsel, hut tire position I am placed in is this: The Bill, as you know, has just come before the House in the dying hours of the session ; the Auckland Electric Tramways Company has expended something like three-quarters of a million of money, in reliance upon the Orders * in Council, which it lias obtained for the construction of its tramways ; only yesterday a deputation waited upon the Hon. the Minister, and the Minister then said that he would proceed with the second reading of the Bill, and then have the whole matter referred to a Select Committee; the Select Committee meets to-day—the day after. Now, sir, very important questions are raised by this Bill, and I feel that I am not in a position at a day's notice, or even at two days' notice, to 1 I. 8,