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Appropriations for Scenery Preservation Account.



Minister op Lands. 1909-10. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. Vote 119.—Scenery Preservation £ 325 £ 10 ,100 £ ; 10 ,425 TOTAL 10,100 325 10 ,425 tern. 109-10. SCENERY PRESERVATION. 1909-10. Total number of officers .. 2 £ VOTE No. 119. Salabies— Inspector Secretary to Board (also Clerk, Lands Department, £290) 300 25 325 2 •A Othee Chaeges of and incidental to — Administration of reserves and historic spots (including fencing and other works) Compensation, &c, in connection with lands taken under " The Scenery Preservation Act, 1908" ... Compensation for Native lands taken for scenery purposes (including historic spots) Compensation for lands acquired along the Wanganui River 500 2 ,000 4 2,000 5 2,500 100 0 7 Expenses of Boards Subsidy £1 for £1 towards purchase of the Riccarton Bush as a scenic public reserve Surveys, valuations, and incidental expenses 8 1,500 1,500 Total —Vote No. 119 ... 10 ,100 10,42 SCENEKY PRESERVATION ACCOUNT £1 ,425