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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


tern. 1909-10. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. 5 6 7 8 VOTE No. 88— continued. Chaeges of and incidental to — continued. Illustrations, photographs, &c, for Parliamentary Reports Milne Seismograph, No. 20 (Wellington), (maintenance and buildings) Text-book : New Zealand Geology, balance Writer's Fee and Printing "New Zealand Plants and Their Story," by Dr. L. Cockayne: Printing Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes Public Reading-room, Canvastown (subsidy, £1 for £1) "Schoolmates": Grant to cover cost of postage Store for general departmental purposes : Rent and incidental expenses Travelling allowances and expenses of members of Teachers' Superannuation Board, medical examination fees, &c. £ 50 50 255 65 2,000 100 50 £ 9 10 11 12 13 25 70 Less estimated credits under section 42 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1908 " 8,362 Total —Vote No. 88 ... SCHOOL BUILDINGS, FURNITURE, AND SITES. VOTE No. 89. Charges op and incidental to — Grants to Education Boards — For general maintenance of school buildings, and for additions to buildings, alterations, rebuilding, furniture, fittings, fencing, rents, additions and improvements of sites, &c. For house allowances to teachers For rebuilding and furnishing of schools destroyed by fire, and for rent of temporary premises during rebuilding Grants to controlling authorities for rents of technical school buildings General maintenance of school buildings under control of Education Department, including additions to buildings, alterations, rebuilding, furniture, fittings, fencing, rents, additions and improvement of sites, and incidental expenses— Native Schools Industrial Schools School for the Deaf Home for Backward Children ' ... 3 ,225 [ I 5 ,137 1 2 8 '38 ,500 14 ,500 10,000 68 ,000 1 ,000 5 6 7 8 1 ,600 2,000 200 200 Total —Vote No. 89 .. TOTAL OF CLASS XV £87, ,276