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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


item. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, COMMERCE, AND TOURISTS- continued. 1909-10. VOTE No. 75— continued. Fields and Experimental Faems Division — continued. Other Charges of and incidental to —continued. Purchase of stud stock, including expenses of importation Removal expenses Stud stock Training of lads at Ruakura Experimental Farm, including accommodation, working-expenses, salaries of special instructors, lads, matron, and domestic assistants (2 months) Travelling allowances and expenses Wages and expenses in connection with destruction of noxious weeds £ £ 72 73 74 75 1,700 600 750 250 7,000 70 77 200 48 ,700 78 Oechaeds, Gabdens, and Apiaeies Division— Salaries — Director Assistant Director Vine and Wine Instructor 2 Clerks : 1 at £205, 1 at £170 Cadet 6 Fruit Inspectors : 3 at £200, 1 at £175, 1 at £170, 1 at £150 9 Orchard Instructors : 1 at £185, 3 at £170, 3 at £165, 2 at £150 2 Apiary Instructors : 1 at £190, 1 at £160 Fruit-preserving Expert at £400 (5 months) Bee Expert at £230 (9 months) Pomologists at £280 (5 months) Messenger at £100 (9 months) Viticulturist at £325 (5 months) 550 280 185 375 75 1,095 1 ,490 350 167 172 117 75 136 5,067 79 80 81 82 83 84 Other Charges of and incidental to — Expenses m connection with outbreaks of orchard and garden diseases Expenses in connection with visit of Biologist to Australia Fostering the bee industry Fruit culture and canning Fumigation and destruction of fruit Importation and breeding of natural enemies to insect pests Postages, telegrams, and rent of boxes Removal expenses Seeds and plants for distribution Spraying demonstrations and apparatus Travelling allowances and expenses 100 50 50 50 100 85 80 87 88 89 50 300 100 25 50 2,200 3 ,075