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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.



Item. 1909-10. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES— continued. 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 VOTE No. 74 — continued. Chaeges of and incidental to — continued. Remissions of rent under Section 117, Land Act, 1908 — continued. G. H. Mackenzie, Section 2, Block VIII, Kawhia South Survey District Jno. O'Neill, Section 2369, Block XI, Wataroa E. M. Paddison, Section 184, Aotea Parish A. Smith, Section 19, Block V, Waitoa F. G. Stokes, Section 3, Block V, Kawhia S. H. A. Vercoe, Section 4, Block V, Te Tumu L. Wright, Section 3, Block I, Pirongia Repairs, alterations, and maintenance of workers' dwellings on Crown lands and administration expenses River protective works (Wanganui River, South Westland) Road access to Crown lands, Purchase of land for, and fencing Road of Access to Crown sections, Maramarua Parish, through Section 4 : Formation and fencing (one side) Road access — To Section 3, Block I, Horohoro (Hogan) : Felling 1 chain wide and forming 12ft. track ... ... To Section 493, Waiotahi Parish : Formation, fencing, &c. Rotorua Township : Drainage of unlet sections Runanga Township, Roads and other works in Samples of New Zealand woods for distribution to Technical Schools and other institutions Sand Drift : Sections 13 and 19, Block XI, Longwood (subsidy, £1 for £1, for planting of lupins) Scenery reserves under "The Land Act, 1908," Expenses in connection with (including fencing and other works) Ship Cove and other reserves : Caretaker and expenses in connection with preservation of scenery, including clearing of a firebelt Sinking new well at village settlement, Hawea (old well collapsed), (subsidy, £1 for £1) Site for wharf and shed on Kaituna River (subsidy) ... Southland Agricultural and Pastoral Society: Subsidy for acquiring and laying out grounds South Westland mail-steamer subsidy, monthly service Special rates to local authorities Stewart Island, interest on £2,000, part purchase-money, annual payment, £160 Stock paddock, Rotorua County, in Rotomahana-Pare-karangi Block (compensation and fencing) Subritzky J. A. : Compensation for loss of area due to overlap of Crown Grants, Mongonui County, known as Ford's and Maxwell's Subsidy to doctors in outlying districts Survey, fencing and formation of deviation of road of access, Block I, Mangawhero, Tauakira Block, and purchase of land for same ... Tangitu Block: Cost of providing level railwaycrossing and cattle-stops Taramakau River protective works (subsidy, £1 for £1) Te Tuhi Public Buildings Reserve (Wanganui River) : Purchase of lands for " The Sand-drift Act, 1908," Expenses under Timber Commission, Expenses of Timpany Bros. : Refund half-royalty on sawmill areas of 800 acres, Aparima, Jacob's River, and Longwood Survey District 8 10 11 12 19 13 12 150 50 850 150 200 160 70 2,500 25 20 100 214 230 215 50 50 216 217 218 219 220 900 250 100 221 160 222 80 200 1,100 223 224 956 225 38 200 226 227 228 229 230 90 50 3,000 15