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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Item. VOLUNTEER FORCE— continued. 19 19-10. VOTE No. 63— continued. Other Charges of and incidental to — Advertising, Books, and other Publications Allowances for Service uniform to Staff SergeantMajors Camps of Training and Courses of Instruction, including special course of instruction to Garrison Artillery Volunteers at Technical and other Colleges Capitation, Target, and Marking Allowances for Adult Corps, including Grants to Garrison and Battalion Bands Capitation, Target, and Marking Allowance for Cadets, including Allowance for Rent and lighting Halls ... Cleaning Offices Contribution towards pensions granted to Imperial Officers who contracted disease whilst serving in Colonial Forces Daylight Parades, personal payment Easter Manoeuvres Efficiency Fees and Badges for Volunteers Forage and House Allowances Freight, Cartage, and Shipping Charges ... Fuel, Light, and Water Guards of Honour and Escorts Horses for Guns, Wagons, Ambulance Carts, and Staff Labour, receiving and delivering Cargo ... Maintenance, Repairs, and Rent of Drill-sheds, Barrackrooms, Mobilisation Stores, and Workshops Miniature Rifle Ranges, construction of ... Miscellaneous Stores, Office Equipment and Requisites Railway Fares and Charges ... Rent, Repairs, and Improvements to Rifle Ranges, including Purchase of Targets and Repairs of same ... Repairs to Tents, and Purchase and Repairs of Flags Tram and Ferry Fares Travelling Allowance and Expenses Telephones Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... £ £ 9 10 100 11 100 12 8,000 13 28,000 14 15 2,500 50 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 76 3,500 14,000 2,500 600 1,600 50 50 1,500 50 26 27 28 29 500 500 200 3,500 30 31 32 33 34 1,000 50 100 4,000 250 100 Total —Vote No. 63 ... 72,876 84,424 * STORMS AND MAGAZINES. 1909-10. Total number of officei-R .. 28 1 2 VOTE No, 64. Salaries — Director of Stores (also free quarters) Auckland — Magazine Keeper (also District Storekeeper), also free quarters Assistant in Magazine and Repairer of Arms 2 Arms Cleaners at 7s. per day Wellington — Assistant Storekeeper Accountant 5 Clerks : 1 at £190, 2 at £185, 1 at £180, 1 at £165 Foreman Storeman Saddler 350 180 170 256 235 235 905 175 180 170