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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.



Item. 1909-10. DEFENCE DEPARTMENT— continued. VOTE No. 61— continued. Miscellaneous— Salaries — Superintending Officer, Defence Rifle Clubs (also house allowance, £50 p.a.), (transferred) 62 62 6 7 8 9 10 Otheb Charges op and incidental to — Extra clerical assistance Forage allowance House allowance Military books, maps, publications, and newspapers... _Office equipment, including fuel, light, and cleaning office Travelling allowance and expenses Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... l 6,217 156 12 435 100 11 12 65 500 50 Less estimated credits under section 42 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1908 " 1,318 15 Total —Vote No. 61... 1,303 7,520 PERMANENT FORCE. 1909-10. Total number of officers and men .. 298 VOTE No. 62. Salabies — Royal New Zealand Astilleey— 1 Major (also house allowance, £50) 3 Captains: 1 at £290 (and free quarters), 1 at £225 (and free quarters), 1 at £225 (with house allowance £25) 4 Lieutenants: 3 at £215 (1 house allowance £25), 1 at £175 1 Regimental Sergeant-Major at 10s. per diem (also house allowance £50) 4 Sergeant - Major Gunnery Instructors : 1 at 10s. and 3 at 9s. 3d. per diem (also house allowance, 1 at £50 and 3 at £25 per annum) 2 Company Sergeant-Majors: 1 at 9s. 6d. and 1 at 9s. per diem 1 Quartermaster-Sergeant at 9s. 6d. per diem 4 Master Gunners: 1 at 10s. and 3 at 9s. 3d. per diem (also house allowance, 1 at £50, and 3 at £25 per annum) 9 Sergeants : 2 at 8s. 9d. and 7 at 8s. 6d. per diem 10 Corporals : 4 at 8s. 3d. and 6 at 8s. per diem 18 Bombardiers : 1 at 7s. 9d. and 17 at 7s. 6d. per diem 1 Bombardier Trumpeter at 7s. 9d. per diem 102 Gunners at 6s. per diem Field Artillery Section— 1 Sergeant at 8s. 6d. per diem 4 Bombardiers at 7s. 6d. per diem 11 Drivers at 6s. per diem ... 325 740 820 183 689 337 174 689 1,405 1,478 2,469 141 11,169 156 548 1,204