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No. of Sheep on 1 "NTrt nl' nn No. of Sheep on April 30, April 30, 1908. 1909. Tauanaki County— continued. Barton, E. 8., i'ariki Bayly, J., Waifcara Bell Bros., Puuiho Bennett, B., Hurangi Bint, W., Inglewood Bishop, F. L., Upland Eoad BUhop, TT T , Fitzroy Bishop, J. W., Bell Block Bishop, N. B., Bell Block Bishop, S. J., Inglowood Bishop, W. T., Inglowood Bocock, William, Egmont Village Bovett, P. J., Oiuata Bowler, Thomas, Inglewood Bridgman, J. A., Maketawa Bridgman, T. H., Ngutro, Inglewood Brittain, E. J., Inglewood Browne, J. G., Tariki Brown, John, Mangorei Brown, William, Lepperton Buokthought, W. H., Inglewood Burckett, T., Ratapiko Burgess, J. W., Miro Burroll, W. A., Kaimata Burrows, R., Egmont Village Butler, John, Miro Cameron, H., Tarata Capper, G., Kaimata Cash, Gr. H., Kaimiro Chamney and Swan, Tarata Chapman, S., Tariki Chowen, William, Okato Christensen, Christen, Inglewood Ohristeneen, Mrs. B., Miro Clark, A. H., Bristol Road, Inglowood Clemow, R. C, Omata Clulow, J. A., Tataraimaka Cold well, J. (Estate of), Inglewood Collins, A. K., Bi-11 Block Collins, H, E., Tongaporutu Collins, J. J., Tataraimaka Connett, J. L., Bell Block Copestake, J. F., Tarurutangi Corbet, A., Okato Corkill, Alfred, Tarata Corney, Thomas Maketuwa Cowley, Herbert, Tariki Curtis, H. B., Inglewood Davis, W. J., Lijjlewood Davy, William, New Plymouth Doyle, Thomas, Okato Drake Bros., Tarata Dunbar, C, New Plymouth Earp, F., Egmont Village Ellorm, W., New Plymouth Emslie, W. W., Oakura Featherstono, Albert, Okato Fraiiklyn, W. H., Inglewood Fraser, Angus, Tariki French, Thomas, Bell Block Gramlin, A. B., Inglewood George, Edwin, Omata George, William J., Omata Gernhoefor, Sarah, Inglewood Giddy, W., Lepperlon Gill, Frank L., Okato Glynes, John, New Plymouth Grant, W. B., New Plymouth Godinagb, P., Oakum Gray, A., Ashford Road, Okato Gray, W. J., Okato Grooby, John, New Plymouth Gyde, Frederick, Inglewood Hale, John, New Plymouth Hiill.H. T., Lepperton Hall, Mrs. F. I., Sentry Hill Harding,- J. W., Miro • Hiii'kiiess, W. V., Xariki Haslett, G , Inglewood Hawke, J., Mangorei Healy, John, Oakura Henriksen, C, Omata Heppell, W. H., Sentry Hill 485 593 495 430 20 75 24 27 286 150 — 31 14 8 20 6 43 87 — 19 • — 40 135 172 — 28 50 14 11 17 12 26 . I ' — 202 . I 100 Nil 760 750 . i 80 472 5(1 46 — 14 67 112 • ' — 539 — 5 50 42 743 745 • " 3fi 45 40 67 1620 1220 60 80 • ! — 64 34 Nil • i — 60 — 21 97 Nil 70 (iO 301 762 00 42 115 Nil ! 120 100 42 3 • : - 19 01 54 737 670 36 34 — 10 210 188 379 522 — 280 31 31 1995 1190 404 304 16 14 70 72 87 — 11 76 116 — 78 — 55 544 ! 400 18 18 — 16 — 21 56 58 — 300 — 20 — 58 404 Nil 45 Nil 60 91 78 ! Nil 100 J 100 22 131 664 i 478 12 1350 Nil 71 I 314 55 j 56 — 1 15 — : 132 — 56 2203 25 485 495 ■1') 24 286 14 20 43 135 50 11 12 100 760 so 56 67 50 743 " 36 40 1620 60 34 97 70 301 60 115 120 42 61 737 36 210 379 31 1995 404 16 72 76 544 18 56 404 45 60 78 100 22 664 1360 71 55 2203

No. of Sheep on April 30, 1908. April 30, 1908. Tabanaki County— continued. Herlihy, Mra. F. C, Kaimiita Hill, N. W., Hillsborougli Hine, H., Waiongona Hine, William, Tariki Hoby, O. E., Fitzroy Hoby, Percy, Inglewood Hodges, J., Ngatoro Iloneyfielcl, Cliarlee E., Tatar.iinmka Honevfield, J. C, Moturoa, New Plymouth Honeyfield, W. J., Omata Honeyfield, W., Tataraimak'i Hoskin, C. and W., Bell Block Houlahan Bros., Korito P.O , Set Plymouth Hughes, John T., Tariki Hunt Bros., Carlowrie, Tarata Hunt Bros.. Te Nikan, Tarata Hunter, James, Wail.ui Hunter, Robert, Waitui, Inglewood Jennins, Mrs. F. E., Waitara Jones, D., Tariki Jones, W., Kaimata Kearney, F. V., Kent Road, Ingle«ood Kelly, Hon. Thomas, GHenfern, Bell Block ... Kennedy, G\ S., Inglewood King, H., New Plymouth King, Newton, New Plymouth Langley, Mrs. Alice, Inglewood Lnng'py, J. W., Inglewood . j Lawrence, A. C, Tariki Lethbridge, II. Y., Kent Road .. Lile, W. J., Inglewood . ! Jensen, J. P., Kaimata .. I Jones, Henry, Kaimata Jordan, D., Kent Road Jordan, F., Mangorei Julian, R. H., Okato Kendrick, William J., Tariki Konnedy, James, Inglewood Kidd, S. P., Inglewood Knight, M. P., Pohokura Lepper, H. B., Lepperton Mace, Bros., Korn Magee, J. H , Egniont Village Malloy, I'., Korito Marott Bros., New Plymouth Marsh, Aaron, Hillsborougli Marsh, 1C. T., B.-ll Block Marsh, L. A. and H. E., Hillsborough Marsh, W. A., Kent Road Marshall, Alfred, Inglewood Marshall, William, Inglewood ... I Matthews, W. J., Inglewood .. i Mattork. Josefli, Inglewood McAHuni Bros., Saunders Roa 1, Okato Me Both, A., Egmont Village McHeth, Albert, Egmont Village MrGregov, P., New Plymouth McHardie, A., Oakura Metcalfe, A., H., Ashford Road, Okato Miles, George, Inglewood .. I Mills, A. N., Barnett Road, Omata Mills, P. M., Oakura Mitchell, George, Tataraimaka Morine, W. H., Tariki Morris, Frederick J., Oakura Morton, A., Egmont Village Neil son, A., Brixton Xicholls, B. FT., Tnglewood Oidham, F. W., Mangorei Olson Bros, Egmont Vi , Inge Okey, H., Frankley Koad, New Plymouth .. O'Sullivan, I)., Opunake Paterson, Robert, Tarata Paynter, Ernest, New Plymoulli Pftch, S., Carrington Rood. N-w Plymouth Pitt Bros., " Glenfern," Bell Block Pitt Bros., Upland Road, Bell Block Pratt, S. M., Inglewood Price, Richard, Egmont Village Prideaux, C. C, Lepperton Putt, ilenry, New Plymouth Ran lord Bros., Surrey Road. Tiirik) Rawlinson, O-. II., Pohokura P.O. 107 102 Uβ 178 186 380 100 668 22 156 1015 208 270 1000 32 111 460 1295 59S 334 28 10 43 12 25 108 I 180 I). , ! Nil a 9 100 24 150 253 75 71 659 Nil 42 Nil Nil 743 387 976 75 120 142 Nil lii) 400 837 Hi 35 Nil 30 147 90 4(i 41 30 31 A 20 85 43 1305 36 92 Nil 183 193 Nil 77 18 254 233 280 230 207 Nil 785 613 19 18 80 21 154 402 S38 94 147 52 Nil 80 30 115 lt>70 35 455 Nil Nil 874 103 410 Nil Nil Nil 23 Nil 99 233 31 202 219 229 300 202 500 2 35 390 050 121 815 24 125 1715 19 !9O 895 57 9 51 20 785 20 1100