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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services


item. 190 1-10. PUBLIC HEALTH— continued. 4 5 6 7 8 VOTE No. 59— continued. Othee Chaeges op and incidental to — Administration of Native Medical and Health Service (4 months) Administration of "The Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1908" Analysts (paid by fees) Bicycles Books, publications, and subscriptions to newspapers and journals, Ac. Cadets' lodging-allowance Contribution to Department of Agriculture for Quaran-tine-keeper's salary Compensation pavable under " The Public Health Act, 1908" £ 1,550 150 50 50 9 10 100 25 11 98 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Dangerous infectious diseases ... Freight and cartage Fuel, lighting, and water Inspection of vessels Legal fees Notification of infectious diseases Office rent, cleaning, and equipment Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes Quarantine expenses Sera and disinfectants Special trained nurses in isolated districts... Subsidy to Karitane Home, Dunedin Subsidy to local bodies towards Sanitary Inspectors' salaries Subsidy for the maintenance of Infectious Diseases Hospitals Subsidy to societies for the promotion of the health of women and children Telephones Travelling expenses and allowances Typewriters Vaccination and registration fees Vaccine plant and preparation of the lymph Waikato Sanatorium — Buildings and repairs Expenses in connection with Karere Tree-planting Camp for persons cured from consumption Farm Maintenance Wines and spirits ... ... Contingencies, expenses incidental to the other items of the vote 50 500 100 100 600 100 400 500 600 100 200 300 500 25 100 26 1,000 27 28 29 30 31 800 200 2,000 25 700 100 32 33 200 34 35 36 37 500 300 5,000 100 100 Less credits under section 42 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1908 " ... 17 ,198 3,000 Less amount received from Civil List, Native 14 ,198 900 13 ,298 Total—Vote No. 59 26 ,61: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. VOTE No. 60. Chaeges of and incidental to — Additional remuneration for members of Permanent Force while acting as orderlies at Government House : 2 at £15 per annum Advertising and printing 30 100 2