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APPENDIX. TABLE 1. The Benefits and Contributions provided for by the Act. C The contributions for new entrants were amended by section 38 of " The Public Service Superannuation Act, 1907," and are now as follows : — Age 30 and under .. .. . . 5 per cent, of pay. Over 30 and not exceeding 35 . . .. 6 ~ ~35 „ 40 .. ..7 ~40 „ 45 .. ..8 Contributions-! "- KA " ~. „ age 50 . . . . . . 10 ~ The contributions of members who joined the scheme prior to the coming into operation of that Act, Ist January, 1908, are— Age 30 and under .. .. . . 5 per cent, of pay. Over 30 and not exceeding 40 . . 6£ ~ ~40 „ 50 .. . . 8 I „ age 50 .. .. . . . . 10 I I. On Attainment of Pension, Age 60. 1. To members who have served for twenty-five years, pensions of one-sixtieth of yearly salary for each year's service, with a limit of thirty-six sixtieths (threefifths) of salary. (Section 27.) 2. Or, in lieu thereof, the option of a return of total contributions. (Section 32 (b).) By Regulation 10a under " The Police Force Act, 1886," dated 19th December, 1901, retirement was made compulsory at age 65. 11. On Retirement before Pension Age (on the Grounds of being medically unfit for Future Duty). 1. With less than five years' service, a refund of contributions. (Section 26 (a).) 2. Between five and fifteen years' service, one month's pay for every full year's service, not exceeding twelve months' pay. (Section 26 (6).) 3. After fifteen years' service, a pension of one-sixtieth of annual salary for each year's service, with a limit of three-fifths of salary. (Section 26 (c).) 4. In any case where the unfitness for duty is caused by injuries received on duty a pension may be granted, with a limit of three-fifths of salary. (Section 28.) 111. On Retirement before Pension Age (on other Grounds than Medical Unfitness). 1. On dismissal for any cause, the return of not exceeding one-half of total contributions. (Section 30.) 2. On voluntary resignation, after ten and not exceeding twenty-five years' service, the return of three-fourths of total contributions. (Section 31.) IV. At Death. 1. At death before pension entered upon, the return of an amount not exceeding total contributions. (Section 29 (2).) 2. At death after pension entered upon, the return of not exceeding the difference between pension received from and contributions paid .to the Fund. (Section 32 (c).) 3. In the case of a member dying from injuries received on duty, the Board may grant pensions as follows : — (a.) £18 per annum to widow during widowhood. (b.) £13 per annum to each child until attainment of age 14. V (Section 29 (1).) Note. —The contributions and pensions are payable monthly, and the pensions are computed on the salary at retirement, unless there has been promotion within five years, when the average salary for the last seven years is taken as the basis.

TABLE II. Statement of Progress of Active Membership.


APPENDIX. TABLE I. The Benefits and Contributions provided for by the Act. Contributions The contributions for new entrants were amended by section 38 of " The PublicService Superannuation Act, 1907," and are now as follows : — Age 30 and under .. .. . . 5 per cent, of pay. Over 30 and not exceeding 35 . . .. 6 „ „ 35 „ 40 .. ..7 „ 40 „ 45 .. ..8 „ 45 „ 50 .. ..9 „' age 50 .. .. .. .. 10 The contributions of members who joined the scheme prior to the coming into operation of that Act, 1st January, 1908, are — Age 30 and under .. .. . . 5 per cent, of pay. Over 30 and not exceeding 40 . . 6£ ,, „ 40 „ 50 .. ..8 „ age 50 .. .. . . . . 10 I. On Attainment of Pension, Age 60. 1. To members who have served for twenty-five years, pensions of one-sixtieth of yearly salary for each year's service, with a limit of thirty-six sixtieths (threefifths) of salary. (Section 27.) 2. Or, in lieu thereof, the option of a return of total contributions. (Section 32 (b).) By Regulation 10a under " The Police Force Act, 1886," dated 19th December, 1901, retirement was made compulsory at age 65. II. On Retirement before Pension Age (on the Grounds of being medically unfit for Future Duty). 1. With less than five years' service, a refund of contributions. (Section 26 (a).) 2. Between five and fifteen years' service, one month's pay for every full year's service, not exceeding twelve months' pay. (Section 26 (b).) 3. After fifteen years' service, a pension of one-sixtieth of annual salary for each year's service, with a limit of three-fifths of salary. (Section 26 (c).) 4. In any case where the unfitness for duty is caused by injuries received on duty a pension may be granted, with a limit of three-fifths of salary. (Section 28.) Benefits III. On Retirement before Pension Age (on other Grounds than Medical Unfitness). 1. On dismissal for any cause, the return of not exceeding one-half of total contributions. (Section 30.) 2. On voluntary resignation, after ten and not exceeding twenty-five years' service, the return of three-fourths of total contributions. (Section 31.) IV. At Death. 1. At death before pension entered upon, the return of an amount not exceeding total contributions. (Section 29 (2).) 2. At death after pension entered upon, the return of not exceeding the difference between pension received from and contributions paid .to the Fund. (Section 32 (c).) 3. In the case of a member dying from injuries received on duty, the Board may grant pensions as follows : — (a.) £18 per annum to widow during widowhood. (b.) £13 per annum to each child until attainment of age 14. (Section 29 (1).) Le contributions and pensions are payable monthly, and the pensions are computed on jtirement, unless there has been promotion within five years, when the average salary ;n years is taken as the basis. Note.—TI the salary at n for the last sevt TABLE II. Statement of Progress of Active Membership. New Members. Increase by Promotion. Discontinued. Total in Force at En< I of Year. Year. Annual Salaries. Contributions. (3) (4) Annual Salaries. Contributions. Annual Salaries. Contributions. Number. Salaries. Annual Contributions. Number. Number. (1) (2) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 1899-1900 1900-1 .. 1901-2 .. 1902-3 .. 1903-4 .. 1904-5 .. 1905-6 .. 1906-7 .. 1907-8 .. 1908-9 .. 575 44 24 49 45 50 76 89 95 96 £ 88,213 5,632 3,099 6,272 5,833 6,400 9,728 11,392 13,006 13,152 £ 6,595 285 . 163 321 300 326 496 581 676 678 10,421 £ 530 734 1,430 881 1,530 2,383 3,194 7,233 2,167 £ 38 55 102 61 108 166 203 458 127 9 28 23 38 25 28 61 47 61 53 £ 1,596 4,463 3,715 6,113 3,851 4,011 8,749 6,987 8,857 8,617 £ 131 354 303 476 292 260 575 472 535 568 566 582 583 594 614 636 651 693 727 770 * 86,617 88,316 88,434 90,023 92,886 96,805 100,167 107,766 119,148 125,850 £ 6,464 6,433 6,348 6,295 6,364 6,538 6,625 6,93'. 7,536 7,773 Totals.. 1,143 162,727 20,082 1,318 373 56,959 | 3,966 770 125,850 7,773