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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Item. JUSTICE: MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1909-10. VOTE No. 34. Charges of and incidental to — 1 Advertising, purchase of books, periodicals, copying apparatus, and requisites therefor 2 , Compensation to Lieutenant-Colonel Gudgeon for loss of office in the Government service, equal to one year's salary 3 Compilation and printing of Justices' hand-book 4 Expenses under Shorthand Reporters Act ... 5 ! Expenses under " Habitual Drunkards Act " 6 i Expenses under "The Juries Act, 1908" ... 7 ! Exfra clerical and other assistance, copying, and interpreting 8 j Fees to Patent Office Agents ... 9 | Fidelity guarantee premiums ... 10 i Fuel, light, water, cleaning, freight, cartage, office equipment and maintenance of Court grounds and offices... 11 Grant to W. Jolliffe for compilation of index to Consolidated Statutes 12 Legal expenses 13 Payments to Printing Office for Patent Office Gazette... 14 Postage and telegrams, and rent of boxes ... ... 15 Proportion of cost of administering licensing laws in districts where the Counties Act is not in operation 16 Purchase of safes for Courts ... 17 Refund of fine inflicted on Mrs. Grierson for a breach of the Rabbit Act 18 Reprint of New Zealand Law Reports 19 Telephones 20 Travelling allowances and expenses 21 Typewriters 22 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... 3 4 5 <; 7 8 9 10 £ 120 i 500 350 100 1,000 300 1,000 60 250 ! 1,600 £ 11 12 13 14 15 50 50 150 1,500 i 16 17 10 50 18 19 20 21 22 10 2 ,000 500 150 250 150 Total —Vote No. 34 ... 10 ,150 PRISONS. Increases under Regulation. 1909-10. Total number of officers .. 155 VOTE No. 35. Salaries — 1 i Head Office — 2 Clerks: 1 at £220, 1 at £156 2 Auckland — "" Gaoler ... :.. Surgeon Matron Chief Warder 4 Principal Warders: 2 at £180, 2 at £170 26 Warders: 6 at £160, 1 at £155. 6 at £150, 12 at £145, 1 at £140 Assistant Matron 3 New Plymouth — Gaoler (also Manager Reformatory Prison, £50) Surgeon Matron 2 Principal Warders at £170 ... 4 Warders: 1 at £155, 1 at £150, 2 at £135 4 Wellington Prisons — Gaoler Surgeon Matron 1 2 376 320 100 120 190 700 3 ,895 80 200 65 50 340 575 300 100 115