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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services



.tern. INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT— continued. 1909-10. 19 VOTE No. 9—continued. Valuation — continued. Officers dispensed tuith or transferred —continued. 11 District Valuers: 1 at, £400, 1 at £315, 1 at £300 (5 months each), 1 at £300 (9 months), 1 at, £290 (5 months), 1 at £285 (6 months), 1 at £285 (5 months), 1 at £255 (3 months), 1 at £240 (3 months), 1 at £235 (5 months), 1 at £150 (5 months) Officer in Charge at £315 (5 months) Draughtsman at £180 (5 months) 11 Clerks: 1 at £170,1 at £.165,1 at £190 (5 months each), 1 at £180 (8 months), 1 at £140 (2 months), 2 ai £180, 1 at £175,1 at £170,2 at £130 (5 months each) £ £ 1,315 131 75 765 2,822 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Otheb Charges op and incidental to — Advertising, books, and periodicals Assessment Court expenses Fees to Post-office Fees to Valuers Fuel and light Legal expenses Maps .. Office cleaning Office equipment and requisites Postage, telegrams, and post-office boxes ... Rent Revision of districts Telephones and Bureaux connections Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 19 ,908 150 250 50 1,800 60 5 •250 WO 56 650 500 1 ,100 130 2,500 100 7,731 27 ,639 1909-10. Total number of officers .. 27 35 Stamp Department— Salabies— Head Office — Commissioner of Stamps, Controller of Death Duties, Registrar of Companies, and Secretary for Land and Deeds (9 months at £600) Chief Clerk and Assistant Registrar of Companies Custodian and Issuer of Stamps Accountant 2 Clerks: 1 at £237, 1 at £235 Cadet Chief Stamper 8 Stampers: 1 at £185, 1 at £125, 1 at £95, 1 at £75, 1 at £65, 3 at £60 Messenger Messenger (£146), Is. per day additional .. Valuator Deceased Persons' Estates (also Commissioner of Taxes and Valuer-General, £700; also Superintendent Advances to Settlers, £50: total, £850) Auckland — 2 Clerks: 1 at £325, 1 at £150 Cadette Cadet 450 360 330 295 472 85 210 725 180 18 100 36 475 105 60