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Internationale Guano-En superphosphaatwerken, Zwyndrecht, Holland ; (2); 7271 ; 13th April. Irvine and Stevenson's St. George Company (Limited), Dunedin, New Zealand ; (42); 7661 ; 7th November. Jacobs and Co., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (42); 7441 ; 14th July. Jacobs, L., London, England ; (3); 7299 ; sth May. Jakins, W. H. (see Canterbury Dairy Company). Jameson, J., and Son (Limited), Dublin, Ireland; (43); 7400; 22nd June. Jamieson, R., and Co., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (34); 7620 ; 19th October. Jamieson, W. F., Auckland, New Zealand ; (45); 7281, 2 ; 21st April. Johnson, E. M., Woodville, New Zealand; (42); 7482; 31st July. Johnstone (see Hope-Johnstone). Jones Bros, and Stevens (see C. G. and D. E. A. Jones and J. G. Stevens). Jones, C. G. and D. E. A., and another, Otaki, New Zealand ; (50); 7090 ; 4th January. Jones (see Glyn-Jones). Josephson, C. 0., Wellington, New Zealand; (38); 761«: 16th October. Jowers, J., Gisborne, New Zealand; (42); 7 J 98; 22nd February. Kaffee Patent Aktiengessllschait, Bremen, Germany : (42); 7700 ; 24th November. Kaiser Brauerei Beck and Co., Bremen, Germany; (43); 7295 ; 29th April. Kayser, Ellison, and Co. (Limited), Sheffield, England; (5, 6, 12, 13); 7506, 7, 8, 9 ; 13th August. Kendall, Dr. B. J., Company, Enosburg Falls, United States America ; (2); 7474 ; 29th July. Kia Ora Mineral Water Company (see E. K. Samuel). King, N., New Plymouth, New Zealand ; (46); 7481 ; 31st July. Kunkelmann and Co. (see F. T. Kunkelmann). Kunkelmann, F. T., Reims, France ; (43); 7249, 50; 2nd April. Kodak Limited, London, England ; (8, 39); 7175, 6 ; 12th February. Koko-Maricopas Company (see A. J. Dadson). Kufeke, F., Glasgow, Scotland ; (3); 7122 ; 16th January. Lamont and Co. (see W. J. Webster). La Societe Anonyme Le Ferment Established, Paris, France ; (3, 42); 7251, 2 ; 2nd April. Laurie, W. S., and Co., Auckland, New Zealand ; (42); 7610 j 15th October. Laxo-Tonic Pill Company, Sydney, New South Wales ; (3); 7117; 15th January. Laxo-Tonic PUI Company, Sydney, New South Wales ; (3); 7688 ; 19th November. Leather Cloth Company (Limited), London, England ; (30); 7550, 1, 2, 3 ; 3rd September. Lee, A. L., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (3); 7386 ; 12th June. Lever Bros. (Limited), Sydney, New South Wales, (47, 48); 7118,9,7120,21; 16th January. Libarty and Co. (see A. L. Liberty). Liberty and Co. (Cymric), (Limited), London, England ; (14); 7666, 9 ; 11th November. Liberty and Co. (Limited), London, England; (24, 31); 7667,8; 11th November. Liberty, A. L., London, England ; (24, 30); 7389, 90 ; Kith June. Liebig's Extract of Meat Company (Limited), London, England j (42); 7519 ; 20th August. lagging and Froggatt (see E. Liggins and T. C. Froggatt). Liggine, E., and another, Walsall, England ; (37); 7092 ; Bth January. Linotype and Machinery Limited, London, England ; (6); 7504 ; 12th August. Lipton Limited, London, England; (42); 7133, 4; 16th January. Litchfield, F. C, East Tamaki, New Zealand ; (42); 7499 ; 1 lth August. Loasby, A. M., Christchurch, New Zealand; (3); 7353 ; 28th May. Lohmann and Co., Sydney, New South Wales ; (2); 7317 ; Bth May. Lohmann and Co., Bremen, Germany, and Sydney, New South Wales ; (42); 7702 ; 26th November. Lux Limited, Melbourne, \ ictoria ; (13); 7212; 12th March. Lyes, J. W., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (3); 7487 ; 10th August.

Lynda Soap Making and Trading Company (Limited), Gisborne, New Zealand ; (47); 7138, 9, 7140"; 21st January. Lynda Soap Making and Trading Company (Limited), Gis- || borne, New Zealand ; (3); 7141; 21st January. Lyttle Bros., Masterton, New Zealand; (22); 7449; 17th July. MaoEwan, J. 8., and Co. (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7537,7538; 28th August. MaoEwan, J. 8., and Co. (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (39, 24, 42); 7635 v 6, 7 ; 23rd October. MacEwan, J. 8., and Co. (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7537 ; 28th August. Maguire, Miller, and Co., Liverpool, England ; (47); 7301 ; sth May. Major and Co. (Limited), Kingstoii-upon-Hull, England; (1); 7348; 27th May. Marshall and Summers, Milton, New Zealand ; (22); 7283 ; 24th April. Maspero Freres (Limited), London, England, and Cairo, Egypt; (45); 7442; 14th July. Massey, C. 8., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (3); 7751 ; l'Jth December. Matthews, 0. H., Wellington, New Zealand ; (49); 7638 ; 23rd October. Matthews, J., Sydney, New South Wales ; (1, 42); 7146, 7 ; 23rd January. Matthews, J., Sydney, New South W T ales ; (42); 7173 ; 6th February. Matthews, J., Sydney, New South W T ales ; (4); 7188; 10th February. Matthews, J., Sydney, New South Wa'«s ; (22, 60) ; 7152, 0 ; 28th January. McConnell's Distillery (Limited), Stromness, Orkney, and London, England ; (43); 7401; 24th June. McKinlav, R., and Sons, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (38); 7658, 9, 60 ; 6th November. Meister Lucins and Briining (see Farbwerke). Mercer and Mitchell, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (42); 7302 ; 7th May. Messenger Corset Company (see A. G. Parry). Millar and Giorgi, Palmerston North, New Zealand ; (38); 7488 ; 10th August. Milne, G., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (22, 50); 7152, 6 ; 28th January. Mitchell, G. D., Prahran, Victoria ; (8); 7459 ; 23rd July. Mitteldeutsche Gummiwarenfabrik, Louis Peter A. G. ("Peter Union Tire Company "), Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, and Melbourne, Victoria ; (40); 7717 ; 3rd December. Moore, G., Masterton, New Zealand ; (4); 7722 ; 4th December. Moore Manufacturing Company (Limited), Dunedin, New Zealand ; (50); 7672 ; 16th November. Moores, J., and Sons, Denton, England ; (38); 7505 ; 13th August. More, I. (J.), Duntroon, New Zealand ; (47); 7388 ; 15th June. Morton, W., and others, Dunedin, New Zealand; (13); 7596 ; 3rd October. Moseley, D., and Sons (Limited), Manchester, England; (40); 7223; 25th March. Mouldey, E. C, and Sons, Christchurch, New Zealsind; (43); 7725; 10th December. Mumm, G. H., and Co., Rjims, France ; (43); 7093 ; 10th January. Muralo Company, New York, United States America ; (1); 7545 ; Ist September. Mushet, R. (see S. Osborn and Co., Limited). Niipier Brewery Company (Limited), Napier, New Zealand ; (43); 7431 ; 11th July. Nathan, J., and Co. (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7333 ; 20th May. National Air Gas Company (Limited), London, England; (18) ; 71(>6, 7 ; sth February. National Air Gas Company (Limited), London, England; (50); 7168 ; sth February. Neill and Co. (Limited), Dunedin, New Zealand; (42); 7342 ; 23rd May. Neill and Co. (Limited), Christchurch, New Zealand ; (42); 7540 ; Ist September. Newth, W. H. D., Christchurch, New Zealand; (2); 7410; 25th June. New Zealand Brick, Tile, and Pottery Company (Limited), Auckland, New Zealand ; (16); 7326; 19th May. New Zealand Powell Wood Process Limited, Rangataua, New Zealand ; (50); 7567; 16th September. New Zealand Provision and Produce Company (W. Wood, proprietor), Christchurch, New Zealand ; (47); 7526 ; 22nd August.