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EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GENERAL MANAGER OF TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS. Sir, — Department of Tourist and Health Resorts, Wellington, 10th July, 1909. I have the honour to submit herewith the departmental report for the year ending 31sl March, 1909. 1 have, etc., C. R. C. Robibson, Acting for General Manager. Hon. Thomas Mackenzie, Minister in Charge Tourist and Health Resorts Department. I have to report that the number of visitors recorded from oversea during the past year was 8,982, as compared with 8,602 for 1507—8, an increase of 380. The value of the traffic estimated on the same basis as in previous years was £119,000, compared with £430,000 for 1907-8, an increase of £19,000. The value of the traffic in 1900 was estimated at £100,000. I append a table showing the figures for the last four years, indicating the countries from which visitors were*drawn, and the estimated value of the traffic. The large increase shown for 1906—7 is due to the International Exhibition held at Christchurch, which caused a very large increase of visitors from Australia. It will be noticed that during 1908-9 the visitors from Australia, Great Britain, ar.d Africa all increased, while the increase from the United States and Canada was upwards of 75 per cent, of the previous year's figures. The means of communication with the United States is still unsatisfactory, owing to the want of a direct mail-service via San Francisco or Vancouver, and no great development of traffic from America can be expected at present. The increase brought about last season is no doubt due very largely to the advertising campaign which the Department carried on in America early in 1907-8. The following table shows the number of visitors from each country from which tourists are being drawn: —

Direct Revenue. The direct receipts of the Department for the year amounted to £23,787 9s. 3d., as compared with £20,487 18s. 4d. for the previous year, an increase of £3,299 10s. lid. The following schedule gives details of the receipts of the Department during the last three financial years, also for the year 1902-3, the first complete year of the Department's operations. Fiom this schedule it will lie noted that the direct revenue of the Department has increased from £8,401 Is. Bd. in 1902-3 to £23,787 9s. 3d. for the year under review. The receipts for 1903-4 amounted to £15,344 Bs. lid. ; for 1904-5, £16,018 3s. Id.; and for 1905-6, £15,820 10s. lid. In addition to the sum of £23,787 9s. 3d., the Department should receive credit for the value of much good work done in the free treatment to indigent sufferers at the sanatoria of Hannier Springs and Rotorua. During the past year patients in indigent circumstances were treated at these institutions free of charge, and at a cost of about £500 to the Department; and in addition friendly society patients were treated at special rates, on which there was a loss to the Department of £100: making a total of £900. lam of the opinion that this work is not one which can be regarded as a legitimate charge against the cost of the Department. The work done in restoring invalids to health, and thereby enabling them to Jiecome producers of wealth instead of becoming a charge on charitable-aid funds, is a valuable one to the State, and one not only worthy of continuance, but of extension. At the same time, I consider that the charge is a legitimate one against the funds set aparl for charitable-aid purposes, and that the Tourist and Health Resorts Department should he relieved of the cost. The assistance given to friendly societies should be treated in a similar 1 method in so far as the crediting of this Department with the value of the work done is concerned. This would give a clear indication of what is being done to assist members of friendly societies, and at the same time credit the Department with the value of its work. Another work which has been carried on out of the Department's vote is the free treatment of Maoris in the Rotorua district. This work cost the Department for the last financial year the sum of £348 to provide medical attendance for out-patients ; and medical attendance, nursing, and maintenance of hospital cases. This is a work carried on by this Department for the sake of convenience, and the Department should be credited with the cost from the funds provided for the assistance of the Native race.

1905-6. 1906-7. 1907-8. 1908-9. Australia Great Britain United States and Canada Europe Africa India Other countries 3,463 2,376 652 175 137 92 247 5,612 2,394 763 260 196 85 374 4,958 2,442 426 242 166 140 228 5,050 2,552 760 146 197 130 147 Estimated expenditure by visitors 7,142 ... £357,000 7,142 9,684 8,602 8,982 £484,000 £430,000 £449,000